1、 无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的;
2、 正在被执行刑罚或者正在被执行刑事强制措施的;
3、 正在被公安机关或者国家安全机关通缉的;
4、 因犯有贪污贿赂罪、侵犯财产罪或者破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪,被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾五年的;因犯有其他罪,被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾三年的;或者因犯罪被判处剥夺政治权利,执行期满未逾五年的;
5、 担任因经营不善破产清算的企业的法定代表人或者董事、经理,并对该企业的破产负有个人责任,自该企业破产清算完结之日起未逾三年的;
6、 担任因违法被吊销营业执照的企业的法定代表人,并对该企业违法行为负有个人责任,自该企业被吊销营业执照之日起未逾三年的;
7、 个人负债数额较大,到期未清偿的;
8、 法律法规规定的其他不能担任企业法定代表人、董事、监事、经理的。
Through examination, the legal representative is qualified for holding the post according to laws and regulations, without any of the following cases:
1. has no civil disposing capacity or his/her civil disposing capacity is limited;
2. criminal penalty of mandatory criminal measure is being enforced on him/her;
3. is being wanted by the police or state security departments;
4. is sentenced due to taking graft or committing bribery, offences against property, disrupting socialism market economic order and has completed a term of imprisonment for less than 5 years; is sentenced due to other offences and has completed a term of imprisonment for less than 3 years; or is sentenced to depriving of political rights due to offence and has completed a term of imprisonment for less than 5 years;
5. ever was the legal representative or director or manager of any enterprise which was bankrupted due to bad operation and was responsible for the bankruptcy of such enterprise, and it is less than three years since the completion of liquidation for the bankruptcy of the enterprise;
6. ever was the legal representative of any enterprise which was revoked Business License due to illegal activities and was responsible for such illegal activities, and it is less than three years since the revocation of Business License;
7. has large outstanding debts;
8. the person who is not allowed to be the legal representative, director, supervisor or manager of any enterprise according to laws and regulations.
Seal of Examiner(Signature):