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西安汽车翻译:专业分工 制胜全局_Specialty translation_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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西安汽车翻译:专业分工 制胜全局
发布时间:2009/11/13  阅读次数:4858  字体大小: 【】 【】【
西安汽车翻译专业分工 制胜全局
Professional division of work guarantees whole success.
Assigning every task to the most professional talent,
Blending “Zongshen’s Quality” into every vehicle,
We will persist in professional operation and marketing,
To set up more profound platform for Zongshen’s Brand Effects.
Advanced human-oriented design and professional vehicle production technique guarantees perfectness of every detail with our values. Unsurprisingly, “all for you” has long before become the most eminent conviction for producing vehicles.
Find harmony between avant-garde and fashion, fleetline body and charming lights with glaringness push Hanma forward to a King in industrial design. If you can not wait, just let out your feeling to crush upon him, just a thing of a moment.
Zongshen has crowned Zongshen Knight with “a glimpse can bring you clear answer” with its nearly nitpick conviction of vehicle production. Hi-tech comes more from accumulation of intelligence than a flashing of inspiration. When aesthetic enjoyment upgrading to spiritual comfort, you have been a pioneer of fashion.
True intelligence hides inside rather than outside; elegant appearance without provoking and essence in heart for better and better quality. Therefore, whichever detail you focus on, you will be captured by her interior elegance.
Perfect integration of passion and freedom, whatever the 15 years’ resplendency or present B-07, it is proved with enough records that the human-oriented business conviction is indeed the core for creating legends one after another.
Inherited Zongshen’s excellence, every gene is crowned with perfectness. The unmatched techniques in vehicle production has rendered perfect combination of quality and fashion, thus you will be a pioneer of fashion by a random choice.
Our sales starts from service…
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