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注册会计师/律师见证书英文翻译_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/1/21  阅读次数:8365  字体大小: 【】 【】【
CPA/Lawyer Attestation LETTER
I am: A Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or An Attorney
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Firm Name: __________________________________________________________________
Firm Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ___________________________________________________________
Professional License and/or Association Number(s): _________________________________
This letter of attestation is being provided on behalf of the following business entity:
Group’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
Group’s Address: ______________________________________________________________
Group’s Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________
Group Officer’s Name (from whom you received the written documentation reviewed in connection with this letter of attestation): __________________________________________
This group is a new business, which started on __________________ and will be filing tax documents, which will be sent to you at a future date.
I certify that this group has a New York situs, and is a:
>             Sole Proprietorship, and the proprietor works a minimum of 20 hours per week.
>               Partnership
>             Corporation
>             Limited Liability Company (LLC)
>             S-Corp
>               Other Type of Business Entity (explain) ___________________________________________
(Please attach copies of supporting documentation)
The following employees of this firm began working for this company on the following dates, and are working full-time (20 hours or more per week), and will be shown on future tax documents which will be provided to you.
Name                                                          Start Date      Name                                             Start Date
________________________ ________ ___________________ _________
________________________ ________ ___________________ _________
I hereby certify that the information I have stated above are true statements based on documentation provided to me. I hereby make this certification to induce X Company to offer health insurance coverage to this group based upon the information contained in my certification. I understand that X Company will retain this letter and any attached materials without regard to the acceptance or non-acceptance of the group’s application for coverage.
Date: ____________________
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地址:西安市高新区新型工业园信息大道1号(博士路与西部大道十字向西200米路南)阳光天地SOHO25号楼1505室      公司常年法律顾问:陕西同步律师事务所 张少冲

电话:029-81879987  81280292  传真:029-81879987 电子邮箱: xaskywind@126.com (业务专用)1261478357@qq.com(招聘专用)

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