按揭购房 |
Buy a house on mortgage |
板楼 |
Slab-type apartment building |
便利设施 |
amenities |
炒房者 |
Real estate speculator |
抵押贷款欠额 |
Unpaid mortgage balance |
地段等级 |
Location classification |
地王 |
Land king/property king |
钉子户 |
Nail household, nail house resident |
囤地 |
Land reserves |
二手房 |
Second-hand house |
房产证 |
Property ownership certificate |
房产中介 |
Real estate agent |
房地产泡沫 |
Property bubble |
房地产市场 |
Real estate market/property market |
房地产市场过热 |
Overheated property sector |
房价 |
Property price/housing price |
房屋空置率 |
Housing vacancy rate |
分期付款 |
Payment by installment |
分租合住的经济公寓 |
tenement |
购房契税 |
Property deed tax |
观望态度 |
Wait-and watch attitude |
经济适用房 |
Affordable housing |
旧区改造 |
Reconstruction of old area |
廉租房 |
Low-rent housing |
楼层建筑面积 |
Floor space |
普通购房者 |
Private homebuyer |
期房 |
Forward delivery housing |
容积率 |
Capacity rate |
商品房 |
Commercial residential building |
商业地产 |
Commercial property |
商住综合楼 |
Commercial/residential complex |
社区 |
Community |
首付 |
Down payment |
售后回租(即租回已出售的财产) |
leaseback |
塔楼 |
Tower building |
停车位 |
Parking space |
投机性房产交易 |
Speculative property transactions |
土地使用证 |
Land use certificate |
维修费 |
Allowances for repairs and maintenance |
物业税 |
Property tax |
闲置地产 |
Vacant property |
现房 |
Complete apartment |
一期/二期 |
First/second stage |
印花税 |
Property stamp duty |
月供 |
Monthly installment payment |
增值地产 |
Added-value fees |
折旧费 |
Depreciation allowances |
政策性住房 |
Policy-related house |
重点开发区 |
Key zones for development |
住房公积金贷款 |
Housing provident fund/housing accumulation fund |
住宅地产 |
Residential property |