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发布时间:2010/11/4  阅读次数:5679  字体大小: 【】 【】【
1、                   营养液膜水培技术:
1. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)
In the NFT, one of the hydroponics, the nutrient solution flows slowly on a cultivation bed of gentle slope (80~100:1) and does not form liquid layers, so that root systems of crops spread in the space layer (ranging from 3 to 5cm) between the bed surface and the fixing cover board and equally absorb water fertilizers, with most root systems exposed in the moist space of the bed. As a result, crops grow well with high yield due to superior water, fertilizer and air environment. However, the disadvantage is that the rhizospheric temperature within the bed is easily affected by the overall cultivation situation with obvious temperature variation. Meanwhile, the time of nutrient solution cutout can not bee too long, which means the solution supply can not be suspended due to power cut and mechanical failure; otherwise, crops will die due to lack of water.
NFT can cultivate various fruit vegetables and leaf vegetables, with the width of common fruit vegetables cultivation bed ranging from 40cm to 60cm, and twin-row fixed planting, and that of leaf vegetables cultivation bed ranging from 80cm to 120cm, and 4 to 12 rows in terms of various breeds of leaf vegetables. In the NFT, the cultivation bed does not have many solution storage and poses low requirement upon the bearing capacity of the bed structure, thus the bed can be fabricated with wood blocks, cystosepiments and a few steel pipe supports. Moreover, such equipment imposes low requirement upon the flow capacity, with most root systems exposed to air, and thereby does not need oxygen-charging facilities.    
2、                   深液流水培技术:
2. Deep Flow Technique (DFT)
A kind of hydroponics, with the nutrient solution layer of 4cm to 6cm provided within the cultivation slot, and root systems of crops exposed in the air for oxygen absorption, most of which spread into the nutrient solution in a “suspended” manner. The nutrient solution realizes recycled “flow” by continual input from the inlet and output from the return mouth, with the nutrient solution level appearing in horizontality with the entire cultivation bed (slot). Since the cultivation bed is available with certain solution layer which is greatly advantageous for water fertilizer supply to root systems, coupled with stable solution temperature around roots free of impacts by the overall situation of cultivation, such problem as the solution supply system is suspended due to power cut or mechanical failure will no longer exist.
深液流水培技术主要适用于栽培各种叶类蔬菜,也可栽培部分果菜,栽培叶菜的栽培床宽度 80~120cm之间。
DFT is mainly applicable to cultivating various leaf vegetables, as well as partial fruit vegetables, with the width of leaf vegetables cultivation bed ranging from 80cm to 120cm.
3、                   立柱式无土栽培技术(蔬菜森林、蔬林迷宫):
3.Column Soilless Culture Technique (forest vegetables, vegetables labyrinth)
The cultivation column consists of several high density foam “cultivation bowls” in connection, and the cultivation bowl appears circle or hexagon, with 3 to 5 planting holes around; also, drainage holes are arranged on the bottom of the bowl, enabling the upper bowl and the lower bowl of the whole column to be linked up, which is advantageous to recycled supply of nutrient solution, with the bowl filled with “base materials” that are favorable for the growth of root systems. Vegetable seedlings are cultured in the supportive specially-made fix planting cup, and then inserted into planting holes of the column when growing up. The entire column is mainly made from light foam materials, with the PVC pipe as the column core, which is ideal in integrity and convenient in moving. It can continuously receive 5 to 10 harvests of leaf vegetables with continual production of 10 to 15 months. Then, it needs to open the column to clear up residual roots and base materials, and to sterilize the facilities for continued use after reinstallation.
CSCT is mainly applicable to cultivating nanous plants, vegetables, strawberries and herbs, etc., which can be used not only for large-scale vegetables production, but also for column type flower & grass sight layout. By adopting nutrient solution recycled supply system, it can also realize automated watering and fertilization, and is very convenient in operation, which is a cultivation facility with the most reasonable structure, the most cultivation capacity and the most convenient operation at present.
4、                   立体移动式管道水培技术:
4. Spatial and Mobile Pipe Technique
PVC pipes or PE pipes with the diameter ranging from 75mm to 110mm are adopted to produce the “cultivation pipe”, which will be arranged into “cultivation bed” or “cultivation wall” in terms of the cultivation goal, with pipes in horizontal placement, so as to ensure the consistency of liquid level within the pipe, and some brackets are adopted for supporting or fixation. One end of the pipe is inlet and the other is returning mouth. Also, interrupted or non-interrupted liquid supplies, as well as settings of the height of liquid level, are adopted to maintain the liquid level within the pipe, with the height of general liquid level 1/3 or 2/3 of the pipe diameter. Moreover, the pipe technique can also be made into many other cultivation models according to the needs, and is free from restrictions of ground and space with strong flexibility, which can be made into either the fixed type, or the mobile type.
The pipe technique is mainly applicable to cultivating nanous vegetables, especially leaf vegetables. Each cultivation pipe needs to be drilled with fix planting holes in terms of inter plant distance of the breeds, with the aperture ranging from 25mm to 45mm. To wrap vegetable seedlings with sponges and directly fix them into the fix planting holes, or to plant them into nutrition pots of proper apertures, and then to insert those nutrition pots into fix planting holes of the pipe. Pipe spacing, row spacing, and to be fixed or not need to be considered in terms of the cultivation breeds, so as to make it convenient for fix planting, management and harvest.
5、                   墙面立体无土栽培技术(生态家园):
5. Vertical Soilless Cultivation Technique (Ecological courtyard)
High density cystosepiments are adopted to produce the “cultivation wall board”, with intervals between wall boards filled with “base materials” that are favorable for root systems growth and water fertilizer absorption. Upswept “planting holes” are arranged on the cultivation wall, with vegetable seedlings cultured in specially-made fix planting cups, and then directly inserted into planting holes of the cultivation wall after growing up. Moreover, VSCT can take full advantages of 3D lighting (available with favorable illumination) of architectures for adhesion type fix, and can also set up steel pipe brackets within the cultivation wall to form “walls”, so as to form double-sided or vertically multidimensional cultivation facilities.
VSCT is applicable to cultivating various nanous plants, including vegetables, flowers, herbs and crops, etc. If being used for leaf vegetables production, it can promote the yield per unit by over three times. Moreover, the facility is simple in structure, convenient in use, excellent in integrity, and easy in operation, which can achieve the goal of simultaneous harvest and planting. Such technique transfers the cultivation of plants from ground to cubical spaces of vertical surfaces or inclined surface, which can substantially extend the growing space for plants, help relieve pressures of farmland occupation and ecological environment damage caused by urban construction, and achieve dual effects of “3D production” of crops and landscaping. Therefore, this technique has a great prospect for popularity.
6、                   家庭园艺:
6. Home Gardening
It refers to various-sized spatial soilless cultivation facility designed according to characteristics of balconies, roofs and courtyards, etc. for soilless cultivation of vegetables and flowers, etc., which can achieve convenient, safe, pollution-free, and management-easy new type home gardening model. By means of artistic design and the introduction of the nutrient solution technique, it realizes top-grade and exquisite home gardening, enabling gardening to develop together with modern urban development and citizen’s living standard improvement.
7、                   漂浮水培技术:
7. Floating Hydroponics (FH)
It pertains to a DFT, and the difference lies in that the fix planting board in the floating hydroponics is directly floating on the water surface of the cultivation slot, with the depth ranging from 15cm to 60cm. The FH mainly depends on large and deep nutrient solution to provide root systems with sufficient spaces for growth and water fertilizer absorption, and relies on increased flowing frequency to supply dissolved oxygen, imposing no strict requirements upon the length and width of the cultivation slot. Therefore, it is a cultivation model of high plane use rate, and suitable for culturing vegetables and flowers with strong adaptability to the hydroponics.
8、                   果菜基质无土栽培技术:
8.Fruit vegetables Substrate Soilless Cultivation Technique
The substrate soilless cultivation can be taken as “man-made soil” cultivation, and the advantages lie in that the soil is replaced by man-made loosen substrate with excellent air permeability and water & fertilizer preservation without diseases, insects and weeds, which is more advantageous for normal growth of crops and reducing the utilization of agricultural chemicals.
The adopted single plant basin substrate cultivation has more advantages. For example, it can avoid spread of plant diseases and insect pests of root systems among plants, and can flexibly adjust plant spacing in terms of breeds and plant size; moreover, it can help substrate preparation, sterilization and crops change without too many fixed facilities. Therefore, the cultivation has great flexibility.
Selection of cultivation containers: glistening and heat retardant containers such as bubble chambers and white plastic basins can be selected in high-temperature seasons, and heat absorbing containers such as black plastic basins, black plastic nutrition pots and earthen basins in low-temperature seasons; as well as other cultivation containers of visual values. In addition, cultivation containers of special functions can also be developed. In the selection and design of cultivation containers, the volume of cultivation containers for tall fruit vegetables can be set between 8 to 15 liters.
9、                   单株高产栽培技术(蔬园巨星):
9. Single Plant Heavy-producing Technique (Garden Giant)
It provides individual growth of vegetables with limitless space by creating the optimal environmental conditions for growth and development, and provides the most suitable root environment and water fertilization conditions by means of soilless cultivation, giving full play to growth and development of individual vegetable, and exploring and promoting physiological potentials of plants, so as to seek new paths for high yield of vegetables and fruits. Moreover, by combined and coordinated regulations of environment, nutrition and physiological conditions of plants, it can further extend life cycle of vegetable plants, promotes bearing capacity and realizes year-round or perennating growth, and thereby promoting single plant yield and achieving high unit yield.
Now it has succeeded in developing gourdvegetables, solanaceous fruit vegetables and sweet potatoes with characteristics of indeterminate growth into tree-like, huge “vegetable tree”, and thereby enriching “giant” breeds and quantities in the vegetable garden.
10、           雾气培:
10. Mist cultivation
It is a soilless cultivation, with root systems totally exposed to the relatively enclosed moist mist, and requirements upon water and nutrients met by regularly spraying “mist-like” nutrient solution to root systems. The only advantage of the cultivation model is that roots systems can easily absorb water fertilizer in sufficient oxygen, but the disadvantage is that it can not tolerate power cut, mechanical failure and nozzle blockage, since such phenomenon probably cause plants to wilt due to water shortage. Currently, it is partially applicable to leaf vegetables production and virus-free potatoes and mini-tuber potato production.
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