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酒店英语翻译:菜谱英文翻译_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/12/2  阅读次数:8181  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Jiangnan superb noodles (vermicelli) with fried spareribs RMB 18 Yuan
江南营养鸡蛋面(粉) 12元
Jiangnan nutrient noodles (vermicelli) with fried eggs RMB 12 Yuan
Jiangnan appetizer noodles RMB 8 Yuan
Noodles (vermicelli) with stewed chicken and mushrooms RMB 12 Yuan
肉沫骨汤面(粉) 8元
Noodles soup (vermicelli) with mashed meat RMB 8 Yuan
Savory hot noodles fried with tomato and egg RMB 12 Yuan
Savory hot noodles with beef RMB 12 Yuan
Private fine braised beef noodles RMB 18 Yuan
Featured noodles with pork RMB 12 Yuan
Noodles mixed with diced meat and eggplant RMB 8 Yuan  
Jiangnan noodles with pickled cabbage and fillet RMB 8 Yuan
Northwest flavor noodles with fried brown sauce paste RMB 8 Yuan
Japanese flavor noodles RMB 12 Yuan
Korean cold buckwheat noodles RMB 8 Yuan
Rice with spiced spareribs RMB 18 Yuan   
Rice with nutrient fried chicken RMB 18 Yuan
Rice with Black Pepper and Sliced Beef RMB 15 Yuan
Rice with saute diced chicken and peanuts RMB 15 Yuan
Rice with red-braised pork RMB 15 Yuan
Rice with mushrooms and spiced eggs RMB 15 Yuan
Rice with mushrooms and chicken RMB 15 Yuan
Korean bibimbap RMB 15 Yuan
Beef Curry Rice RMB 15 Yuan
Rice with stewed meat balls RMB 10 Yuan
Rice with eggplant and braised pork RMB 10 Yuan
Heart nourishing and soothing liquor
Royal master's liquor
Body-refreshing fine liquor
Health-preserving liquor
Dual-flower liquor
Throat-refreshing liquor
Golden lotus liquor
Trinal-flower liquor
Three-in-one health preserving liquor
198/A RMB 198 Yuan per guest (Set Meal A)
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
冷菜 Cold dish
双味碟   Two-taste dish
玉竹心片   Polygonatum leaves
拌枸杞叶 Boxthorn leaf with soy sauce
热菜 Hot dish
斑龙海参 Sea cucumber  
五子鹿肉串 Deer Meat
菊花鸡丝 Chicken Shreds with Chrysanthemum
清心菜胆 Stir-Fried Vegetable  
虾球瓜茸羹 Stew dried Shrimp Thick Soup  
面点 Noodles
肉沫烧饼 Baked roll with Minced Pork  
沙苑子小米粥 Flastem Milkvetch Seed Millet Porridge
功效   Efficacy
滋阴温补肾阳,明目。 Nourishing Yin, tonifying kidney-Yang, and improving eyesight
198/B RMB 198 Yuan per guest (Set Meal B)
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
冷菜 Cold dish
双味碟   Two-taste dish
鹿肉糕 Deer meat loaf
兰梅山药 Chinese yam with preserved plums  
热菜 Hot dish
黄精牛筋 Sealwort cowhells  
人参鹌鹑片 Ginseng quail  
玄驹球 Xuanju Ball
玉竹荷兰豆 Polygonatum sweet broad pea  
枸杞鱼园汤 Chinese wolfberry fish soup
面点 Noodles
黄桥烧饼 Huangqiao Sesame Cake  
竹叶粥 Bamboo leaves porridge  
功效 Efficacy
补肾脏,强筋骨,增体力。 Tonifying the kidney, strengthening the bones and muscles, and promoting vigor
368/A RMB 368 Yuan per guest (Set Meal A)
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
凉菜 Cold dish
酱牛肉 Sauced beef
玉竹心片 Polygonatum leaves
拌枸杞叶 Boxthorn leaf with soy sauce
阿胶蜜枣 Ajiao honeyed date
热菜 Hot dish
杜仲牛筋 Cortex Eucommiae Cowhells
山龙海参 sea cucumber  
鲜奶虾球 Shrimp balls with fresh milk
浓汁盖菜 Gai Choy with thick juice
原盅乌骨汤 Stewed Black-Bone Chicken Soup
面点 Noodles
萝卜丝饼 Patty with turnip shreds  
宫廷御膳粥 Royal Nutrient Porridge
功效 Efficacy
滋补肝肾,气血双补。 Nourishing liver and kidney, and replenishing qi and blood  
368/B RMB 368 Yuan per guest (Set Meal B)  
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
凉菜 Cold dish
黑芝麻兔 Black sesame seeds rabbit
玉竹心片 Polygonatum leaves
拌水晶菜 Crystal Vegetable with soy sauce  
兰梅山药 Chinese yam with preserved plums  
热菜 Hot dish
绣球干贝 Scallop balls
五子鹿肉串 Deer meat  
白果虾球 Ginkgo shrimp balls
玉竹四鲜 Polygonatum with four delicacies
八珍甲鱼 Stewed turtle with eight delicacies
面点 Noodles
肉末烧饼 Baked roll with Minced Pork
宫廷御膳粥 Royal Nutrient Porridge
功效 Efficacy
补中益气,滋阴润喉。 Replenishing Qi, nourishing Yin, and wetting one's whistle
1280元/席A RMB 1,280 Yuan per feast (Set Meal A)
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
凉菜 Cold dish
砂仁百叶 bean curd blade with Amomum villosum
菊花鸡丝 Chicken Shreds with Chrysanthemum
养元蛋卷 Nutrient chicken rolls  
益肾山药 Kidney-tonifying yam  
百合西芹 Lily Bulbs with Chinese Wolfberry
拌水晶菜 Crystal Vegetable with soy sauce
热菜 Hot dish
黄精牛肉 Solomonseal   beef
苜乌佛手 Finger Citron with Chinese herbs
养元蚕蛹 Nutrient silkworm pupa
白果虾球 Ginkgo shrimp balls
当归松塔鱼 Pinecone fish with Angelica
清心油菜胆 Nutrient Colza
枸杞肉丝 Shredded meat with Chinese wolfberry
浓汁养生鲍 Nutrient abalone with thick soup
天麻无骨鸡 Chicken fillets with rhizoma gastrodiae  
面点 Noodles
肉沫烧饼 Baked roll with Minced Pork  
沙苑子小米粥 Flastem Milkvetch Seed Millet Porridge
功效 Efficacy
气血双补,养元益气。 Replenishing qi and blood, tonifying Qi, and retaining vitality  
1280元/席B RMB 1,280 Yuan per feast (Set Meal B)
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
凉菜 Cold dish
苜乌肝片 Fleece-flower root  
芷寇牛肉 Nutmeg beef
养生紫菜卷 Laver Wrapping Rice
雪山红莲 Snow-mountain red lotus    
时令野菜 Wild vegetable
清肠海带丝 Shredded kelp
热菜 Hot dish
斑龙海参 Sea cucumber
双参鹌鹑 Double-Ginseng quail
人参素菜 Ginseng vegetable dish  
琥珀鸽蛋 Amber pigeon eggs
养元鸡丝 Nutrient chicken shreds
芙蓉哈什蟆 Chinese forest frog with lotus
芪烧活鱼 Fried live fish
姜石猴头菇 Hericium erinaceus with gingerlite  
雪塔汤 Snow tower soup
面点 Noodles
碧绿香菇包 Steamed Bun Stuffed Black Mushrooms
竹叶粥 Bamboo leaves porridge
功效 Efficacy
滋阴补肾,防衰老,行气利水去湿。 Nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, anti-aging, promoting qi and diuresis and dewetting
3680元/席A RMB 3,680 Yuan per feast (Set Meal A)  
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
凉菜 Cold dish
鹿肉糕 Deer meat loaf
盐水虾 Boiled shrimps with salt
芪蓉酥鱼 Crispy Fish with Qirong
苜乌叉烧 Barbecued pork with Chinese herbs
麻酱水晶菜 Crystal Vegetable with sesame paste  
养生干丝 Nutrient beancurd noodles
阿胶蜜枣 Ajiao honeyed date
什锦沙拉 Combination salad  
热菜 Hot dish
黄精鱼肚羹 Yellow jasmine fish maw soup
斑龙海参 Sea cucumber  
杜仲葫芦虾 Shelled Shrimp in Shape of Calabash with Cortex Eucommiae
五子鹿肉串 Deer Meat
洋参焗鹌鹑 Baked Quails with Ginseng root
玉竹五彩素烩 Stewed mixed vegetables with polygonatum
当归脯酥鱼 Crispy Fish with   Angelica
鹿茸养生鲍 Nutrient abalone with velvet antler
芙蓉哈什蟆 Chinese forest frog with lotus
雪莲芪乌骨鸡 Black-bone chicken with saussurea and angelica polymorpha  
甜品 Desserts
杏仁豆腐 Tofu with apricot
面点 Noodles
萝卜丝饼 Patty with turnip shreds  
小吃 Snack
宫廷御膳粥 Royal Nutrient Porridge
功效 Efficacy
温补肾阳,补血利水,抗风寒,防衰老。 Tonifying kidney-Yang, enriching the blood, promoting diuresis, cold-resistant, and anti-aging  
3680元/席B RMB 3,680 Yuan per feast (Set Meal B)
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
凉菜 Cold dish
苁蓉年糕 Cistanche deserticola rice cake  
当归凤爪 Stewed Chicken Feet with Angelica
砂仁肘花 Pork knuckle with Amomum villosum  
黑芝麻兔 Black sesame seeds rabbit
糯米藕 Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice
时令野菜 Wild vegetable
清心苦瓜 Balsam pear with soy sauce  
拌紫甘兰 Red Cabbage with soy sauce
热菜 Hot dish
八珍甲鱼 Stewed turtle with eight delicacies
杜仲绣球干贝 Scallop balls with Cortex Eucommiae
桃仁鸭屯 Duck meat with peach kernel
玄驹球 Xuanju Ball
养元蚕蛹 Nutrient silkworm pupa
滑炒乳鸽脯 Fried spring pigeon breast
芦笋百合 Asparagus and lily bulb            
浓汁盖菜 Gai Choy with thick juice
杏仁烧桂鱼 Braised Mandarin Fish with apricot
华承隆养生一品 Huachenglong Nutrient Food
甜品 Desserts
枣泥核桃酪 Sweet walnut soup with red date paste
面点 Noodles
黄桥烧饼 Huangqiao Sesame Cake  
小吃 Snack
宫廷御膳粥 Royal Nutrient Porridge
功效 Efficacy
气血双补,滋补肾阳,强壮身体。 Replenishing qi and blood, tonifying kidney-Yang, and strengthening physical health  
8880元/席A RMB 8,880 Yuan per feast (Set Meal A)  
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
精美冷菜 Delicate cold dish
松鹤延年花式大冷盘 Flourish cold dish
芷寇牛肉 Nutmeg beef
苜乌叉烧 Barbecued pork with Chinese herbs
当归风爪 Stewed Chicken Feet with Angelica  
盐水虾球 Boiled shrimp balls with salt
养生干丝 Three shred vegetables  
阿胶蜜枣 Ajiao honeyed date
热菜 Hot dish
黄烧大群翅 Braised shark’s fin with golden juice
杜仲鹿筋 Cortex Eucommiae Deer's Sinew  
玄驹球 Xuanju Ball
仕女菜心 Chinese flowering cabbage
核杞两吃虾 Shrimp with choice of sauce  
八珍炜裙边 Stewed Turtle Rim Eight Delicacies
百合麒麟鱼 Mandarin Fish with lily bulb      
浓汁扒龙须菜 Asparagus with thick soup
天麻乌骨鸡 Black-bone Chicken Soup with Tall Gastrodia Tuber
餐前汤 Preprandial soup
花旗参燕窝 Bird's Nest with American Ginseng
甜品 Desserts
杏贝雪梨 Apricot snow pear  
面点 Noodles
养元烧麦 Nutrient steamed dumpling
豌豆黄 Pea Cake  
豆面如意糕 Pulse flour loaf
小吃 Snack
沙苑子小米粥 Flastem Milkvetch Seed Millet Porridge
功效 Efficacy
滋补肾阳,防癌症,气血双调,强筋健骨。 Tonifying kidney-Yang, anti-cancer, regulating qi and blood, and strengthening the muscles and bones
8880元/席B RMB 8,880 Yuan per feast (Set Meal B)
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
精美冷菜 Delicate cold dish
鹤鹿争春花式大冷盘 Crane and deer flourish cold dish
鹿肉糕 Deer meat loaf
砂仁时芪 Amomum villosum  
黑芝麻兔 Black sesame seeds rabbit
菊花鸡丝 Chicken Shreds with Chrysanthemum
拌枸杞叶 Boxthorn leaf with soy sauce
糯米甜藕 Sticky rice and lotus
热菜 Hot dish
海马鹿鞭 Hippocampi and  
斑龙海参 Sea cucumber  
洋参炜鸽脯 Braised Pigeon Breast with ginseng root
养元蚕蛹 Nutrient silkworm pupa  
黄焖鹿肉 Stewed deer meat
浓汁盖菜 Gai Choy with thick juice
芪苓石斑鱼 Qi ling rudd
水晶虾仁 Crystal shrimp meat  
芙蓉汤 Egg & Vegetable Soup  
餐前汤 Preprandial soup
鹿茸八珍 Pilose Antler of Eight Precious Ingredients  
甜品 Desserts
太极湘莲 Taici lotus nut  
面点 Noodles
时令春卷 Fried spring roll  
芸豆卷 French Bean Rolls  
凉糕 Curd
小吃 Snack
竹叶粥 Bamboo leaves porridge  
功效 Efficacy
补肾壮阳,利水去湿。 Tonifying the kidney, strengthening Yang, promoting diuresis and dewetting.
28880元/席 RMB 28,880 Yuan per feast  
餐前水果 Preprandial fruit
精美冷菜 Delicate cold dish
花式大冷盘 Flourish cold dish
养生紫菜卷 Laver Wrapping Rice  
玉竹虾球 Polygonatum Shrimp balls  
砂仁肘心 Hock with Amomum villosum  
兰梅山药 Chinese yam with preserved plums  
清肠海带丝 Shredded kelp  
拌枸杞叶 Boxthorn leaf with soy sauce
养生调味十品 Ten Nutrient foods
热菜 Hot dish
黄焖鱼翅 Stewed shark's fin
玄驹球 Xuanju Ball
煨鹿尾 Stewed deer's tail
核芪烤虾皇 Grilled shrimp with royal herbs
芙蓉蟹斗 Fried crab with egg white
洋参爆飞龙 Fried Ginseng Root
杏仁烧鱼 Broiled fish with apricot      
浓汁盖菜 Gai Choy with thick juice
餐前汤 Preprandial soup
虫草炖官燕 Braised Bird's Nest with Cordyceps sinensis
面点 Noodles
黄桥烧饼 Huangqiao Sesame Cake  
金鱼虾饺 Shrimp dumplings
宫廷豌豆黄 Royal pea cake
龟苓膏团 GuiLingGao
餐后汤 After-dinner soup
原盅裙边 Soupe à la tortue molle
甜品 Desserts
岁寒三友 Three friends in chilly weather
小吃 Snack
御膳养生粥 Royal Nutrient Porridge
功效 Efficacy
滋补肾阴,强身祝阳,大补元气抗风湿。 Nourishing Yin of kidney, strengthening health, supporting Yang, promoting vitality and antirheumatic  
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