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金融保险翻译:支票(银行票据)管理制度_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2011/1/13  阅读次数:29022  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Regulations on Management of Cheques (Bank Bills)
Serving as the foundation of financial management, cheque management is crucial in ensuring safety and normal turnover of corporate funds. The Regulations are therefore formulated, in accordance with relevant stipulations of Interim Cheque Control Regulations and Implementing Rules and Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Negotiable Instruments, with a view to safeguarding normal order of financial work, and succeeding in the financial management.
I. Cheques shall be kept by bank teller, and bank reserve seals (two) shall be separately kept, with one (financial seal) by bank teller and the other (corporate seal) by person designated by the president.
II. All units shall, in using cheques and handling settlement and payment, go through the examination and approval procedure set forth by the Group Corporation’s “Regulations on Auditing, Examination and Approval of Financial Revenues and Expenditures”, and accountants shall not prepare and fill in the payment voucher for bills short of required procedures and proceedings beyond their authority, and tellers shall recheck the payment voucher in good earnest, and shall have the right to reject vouchers and other bank bills nonconforming to relevant regulations.  
III. Cheques are classified into cash cheques and transfer cheques. In which, cash cheques can only be exchanged for cash by teller at bank; transfer cheques can be sued for transfer and settlement. The issuance of transfer cheques requires the simultaneous registry and the affixture of paid stamp on original vouchers. Furthermore, issuing cheques requires filling in receiver’s name, billing date, amount of payment, and purpose, etc. If the receiver is inconsistent with the actual creditor, the written explanation produced by the creditor shall be required, and only with approvals from the handler, department principal and financial principal can it be handled.
IV. If the amount of payment can not be determined due to special conditions, the borrower shall fill in the Application for Blank Cheque, based on approval of which can the limited cheque (seal head) be issued. The borrower shall, within a week, bring bills with complete procedures and cheque stub to the financial department for applying for reimbursement. The handler shall neither lend the cheque to others nor arbitrarily change the purpose, nor increase the use limit. Otherwise, the financial personnel shall have right to reject reimbursement. If lost cheque due to poor management, the handler shall promptly go to bank to report loss, and the responsible person shall be liable for indemnify any economic loss caused to the Company. The issuance of oral and remote cheques is prohibited.
V. Personnel in charge of keeping the other seal shall recheck the filled cheque, and affix the seal after confirming no error.
VI. The collection of cheques and bills of exchange by the financial department is for carefully checking their authenticity and acceptability, and only acceptable bills can be admitted.  
VII. The document of settlement from the bank shall be timely transferred to relevant departments, and only after auditing and confirmation of relevant personnel can the document be entered into accounts.
八、借款人应在一周内到财务部门办理报销, 对暂不能报销的,须到财务部门说明原因。否则,财务部门有权暂停该人使用支票。
VIII. The borrower shall, within a week, go to the financial department for applying for reimbursement, with those that can not be reimbursed temporarily to be submitted to the financial department for explanation. Otherwise, the financial department shall have the right to cease the cheque use of the person in question.
IX. The chief accountant shall go to bank monthly to withdraw the bank statement, and the teller shall be responsible for checking the book balance, for preparing the bank balance adjustment table, and for itemizing accounts in transit and finding out causes. In which, the bank balance adjustment table and the bank statement shall be signed by both teller and the chief accountant.
X. The Regulations shall be interpreted by the financial department.
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