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关于2003年外商投资企业联合年检工作的通知中英文翻译_Law online_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2011/5/11  阅读次数:15126  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Circular on the Relevant Work of Annual Joint Examination of Enterprises with Foreign Investment in the Year of 2003
WaiJinMaoZiFa [2002] No.591
February 24, 2003
The commissions (departments, bureaus) of foreign trade and economic cooperation, economic and trade commissions (economic commissions), departments (bureaus) of finance, state tax bureaus, local tax bureaus, administrations for industry and commerce, administrations of foreign exchange of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities separately listed on the State plan, Guangdong Sub-administration of Customs and the customs directly under the General Administration of Customs:
Through the efforts of recent years, the annual joint examination of enterprises with foreign investment has played an important role in improving the soft environment for investment, alleviating the enterprises' burden and strengthening the communication and coordination between the government departments. For successful progress of the annual joint examination of enterprises with foreign investment of the whole country in 2003, and to keep on implementing the spirits of the Circular on the Implementation Scheme on Annual Joint Examination of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (WaiJinMaoZiFa [1998] No.938, hereinafter referred to as the Circular), the relevant issues are hereby notified as follows:
  一、 2003年3月1日至5月31日为外商投资企业联合年检的工作时间。各地要严格按《通知》要求组织对外商投资企业的联合年检,各部门要积极参加联合年检。
I. The period from March 1 through May 31, 2003 is the work time of the annual joint examination of enterprises with foreign investment. The localities shall organize the annual joint examination of enterprises with foreign investment strictly in accordance with the requirements of the Circular, and the departments shall actively participate in the examination.
  二、 各地要加大外商投资联合年检宣传力度,努力提高企业的参检率。对不申报年检、未如实申报年检情况或在生产经营活动中存在违法、违规行为的,联合年检各部门依照法律、法规的规定予以处理和处罚。
II. The localities shall enhance the publicity of annual joint examination of enterprises with foreign investment, and strive to have more enterprises participate in the examination. For those failing to declare for annual examination, failing to make faithful reports in the annual examination or committing law-breaking or rule-breaking acts in production or business operations, the departments of annual joint examination shall dealt with the punish the offenders pursuant to the laws and regulations.
  三、 对与《通知》精神不符的作法要及时纠正,杜绝“搭车年检”现象的发生,加强对基层联合年检工作的指导,检查联合年检工作进度和《通知》落实情况,及时掌握并协调解决联合年检工作中的情况和问题,保证本地区联合年检工作的顺利进行。
III. The localities shall promptly correct the acts not in line with the guidance of the Circular, prohibit those participating the examination in other's name, strengthen the direction for basic-level annual joint examination, inspect the progress of the examination work and the implementation of the Circular, get to know and coordinate the settlement of the problems arising in the examination in a timely manner, and guarantee the successful progress of the annual joint examination of their respective localities.
  四、 加强联合年检各部门之间的沟通和配合。各部门应以联合年检为契机,切实改变管理方式,注重发挥部门间相互配合的综合协调管理作用。要在各级人民政府的领导下,加强对联合年检工作的协调。有条件的地区年检工作实行联合办公,地方财政予以支持。通过联合办公、联席会议等方式相互沟通意见,认真落实《通知》的各项规定,提高联合年检的水平。
IV. The departments of annual joint examination shall strengthen the communication and coordination between themselves. The departments shall take the examination as an opportunity to change their administration methods, and shall stress the role of integrated coordination and administration between the departments. The departments shall strengthen the coordination of the annual joint examination under the leadership of the people's governments at corresponding levels. The localities with necessary conditions shall have the departments carry out the annual joint examination together, and the local finance shall give support. The departments shall exchange opinions through joint work and conference, earnestly carry out the provisions of the Circular and improve the level of annual joint examination.
  五、 加强对中介机构的管理,规范会计师事务所等中介机构的行为,对年检中需由中介机构提供的服务项目应做出具体规范,加大对违规操作的中介组织的处罚力度。对于年检中发现的会计师事务所等中介机构存在的问题,及时向主管部门反映。
V. The localities shall strengthen the administration of intermediary agencies, regulate the acts of the intermediary agencies e.g. accounting firms etc, formulate specific regulations on the services that need to be provided by intermediary agencies, and impose heavier punishment on those intermediary agencies with rule-breaking operations. The problems of accounting firms and other intermediary agencies found out during the annual examination shall be passed on to the departments in charge in a timely manner.
The “Form of Foreign Exchange Payment” in the Circular on Adjustment of the “Form of Foreign Exchange Content” in the Annual Examination of Foreign Exchange of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (HuiFa [2002] No.124) jointly distributed by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the Ministry of Finance shall still be filled in by registered public accountants.
  六、 联合年检各有关部门要密切配合,及时清理和注、吊销“三无企业”。对当年和累计已撤销批准证书的企业数要做出统计,并在联合年检工作总结中列明清理和注、吊销情况。
VI. The relevant departments of annual joint examination shall cooperate closely, sort out, nullify and revoke the enterprises that have no capital, site and structure. The number of the enterprises that have been deprived of the approval certificate in the current year and the accumulative number of such enterprises shall be counted, and the information about sorting out, nullification and revocation shall be indicated in the summary of the annual joint examination.
  七、 按照《通知》规定,除工商行政管理机关仍按原标准收费外,联合年检各部门不得增加新的收费。对违反规定,借联合年检之机向企业收费或变相收费以及未经国务院批准对外商投资企业实行年检等增加企业负担的“乱收费、乱检查”行为要坚决予以清理。
VII. According to the Circular, the departments of annual joint examination may not add new charges, except that the administrations for industry and commerce may take the charges according to the original standards. The departments shall firmly sort out and stop those that, in violation of the provisions, take charges from enterprises or do so in disguised forms by the chance of annual joint examination, or conduct annual examinations over enterprises with foreign investment without approval of the State Council, thus increasing the enterprises' burden by taking arbitrary charges or imposing random examinations.
  八、 为提高联合年检办公效率、减轻企业负担,2003年在安徽、北京、上海、深圳等地开展外商投资企业网上联合年检的试点工作,并逐步向全国其他有条件的地区推广。
VIII. In order to improve the efficiency of annual joint examination and alleviate the enterprises' burden, pilot projects of on-line annual joint examination of enterprises with foreign investment will be carried out in Anhui, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen etc, and will be spread to other regions of China with the necessary conditions.
  九、 要加强对联合年检工作人员的培训,提高联合年检工作人员的服务意识和业务素质,为企业提供公开、透明、规范的服务。通过设立联合年检咨询和投诉机构等,接受外商投资企业咨询和投诉。
IX. The departments shall strengthen the training of the functionaries of annual joint examination, enhance their sense of service and operation quality, to provide open, transparent and normative services to the enterprises. And annual joint examination consultation and complaint agencies shall be set up to accept the inquiries and complaints filed by enterprises with foreign investment.
  十、 为保证联合年检汇总数据的质量,各地年检数据上报前应实行分地区预会审,各地外经贸主管部门要根据会审工作要求做好各项准备工作。
X. In order to guarantee the quality of the data gathered through the annual joint examination, the data of the localities shall go through the preliminary joint review on a regional basis before being submitted, and the departments in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation of the localities shall make good preparations for the joint review.
  十一、 各地要加强年检数据的统计分析,利用联合年检的信息资源和资料,深入分析外商投资企业的生产经营情况以及存在的普遍性问题,广泛开展调查研究和交流。
   XI. The localities shall strengthen the statistics and analysis of the annual examination data, use the information and materials obtained through the examination to analyze in depth the production and business operations and the general problems of enterprises with foreign investment, and to carry out wide-range survey, study and communication.
It is hereby notified.
对外贸易经济合作部、国家经济贸易委员会、财政部、海关总署、国家税务总局、国家工商行政管理总局、国家外汇管理局 2003年2月24日 颁布
Promulgated by The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the General Customs Administration, the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce
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