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发布时间:2011/7/20  阅读次数:5586  字体大小: 【】 【】【
  蓝藻爆发是个全球性的问题,湖泊营养化日益严重是造成蓝藻生长和爆发的主要原因,同时全球气候变暖、水温升高也是蓝藻爆发的诱因。中国环科院湖泊基地负责人金教授(详见参考文章)认为,只要湖泊营养盐浓度长期在较高水平波动,即使完全切断外源污染,只要温度、水流、光照等条件适宜,蓝藻也很可能大规模爆发(massive outbreaks),这已经是一种常态而非异常状态。这一现象即使在采取非常严格的治理措施的条件下,仍会延续三至五年甚至更长时间,这种趋势短时间内无法改变。所以湖泊的蓝藻治理、生态恢复是一个长期的过程,如日本琵琶湖(Lake Biwa)的治理就经历了30多年努力。
  目前太湖营养状态为轻度至中度富营养状态,水体已形成“藻型生境条件”,这是污染长期积累形成的生态结果。由于太湖发生大面积蓝藻水华(bloom)的条件在未来一段时间内将长期存在,因此控制太湖蓝藻水华是一项长期而艰巨的任务(a long and arduous task)。总体上看,今年防控太湖蓝藻爆发形势依然严峻(It remains a daunting task to…/ It poses a great challenge to …),不可掉以轻心(keep a close eye on…),必须高度重视,积极应对。江苏省委、省政府高度重视太湖水污染治理工作,采取一系列的措施,对太湖污染进行整治,已取得初步成效(initial progress has been made in pollution treatment)。中科院地理湖泊所太湖生态系统研究站的监测结果表明,目前太湖水质是稳定的。近期江苏省提前启动应急响应机制(an emergency response mechanism),所采取的调水引流(water diversion)、控源截污(source pollution control)、加强应急水源地(alternative potable water sources in case of emergency)建设等措施十分得当,估计今年不会出现饮用水安全问题。
  1.要强力控制污染源。采取经济、法律、行政等手段,加大工业污染源控制力度,调整产业结构,取消围网养殖,加强污水处理厂出水、养殖废水(aquaculture sewage)、面源污染(non-point source pollution)等低污染水的控制措施,增强湖泊自净能力(self-purification capabilty),控制湖体周边入湖污染负荷。
  2.要加大全湖蓝藻生长与水华形成的监测与预测力度(monitor and recast)。
  3.要协调调水与防洪(flood prevention)的关系。
  4.要及时打捞(to fish out)蓝藻水华。根据风向和湖流对蓝藻水华的驱动,使其在局部湖区堆积的情况,及时进行机械或人工打捞。
  6.要建立太湖生命观测系统(life observation)与蓝藻水华预警平台。
  Blue algae 蓝藻 (也多用blue-green algae)
  Blue-green algae bloom 蓝藻水华
  Outbreak 爆发
  nitrogen and phosphorus 氮和磷
  eutrophication 富营养化
  Blue-green Algae Outbreaks Likely to Occur Again
  Outbreaks of blue-green algae, which sparked last year's water pollution crisis in Wuxi in Jiangsu province, may hit the Taihu Lake (太湖爆发了…)again this summer, say some scientists and top environmental officials.
  Large-scale outbreaks (大面积爆发)of blue-green algae are very likely to occur as temperature rises, says Zhang Lijun, vice-minister of Environmental Protection (MEP), who led a one-week inspection trip in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in early April.
  In late March, signs of blue-green algae blooms were spotted in southern part of the Taihu Lake earlier than previous years.
  Blue-green algae occur naturally as part of the food chain and is found in the rivers and lakes all over the world. Scientists say blue-green algae can become overly abundant in warm, shallow, undisturbed surface water that receives a lot of sunlight and an overabundance of nutrients(蓝藻作为食物链的一部分,会自然而然地出现。世界各地的湖泊河流中都出现过这样的情况。科学家指出,如果温暖、平静的浅水阳光充足、营养过于丰富,蓝藻就会肆意生长), such as nitrogen and phosphorus.   Pollution can greatly boost the outbreaks.
  Last May, in the lakeside city of Wuxi, a sudden overgrowth(过度生长) of the blue-green algae polluted the intake area for drinking water, which resulted in the suspension of the fresh water supply to(暂停淡水供应)half of the 2.3 million city's residents for a week.
  Located in the highly developed and densely populated Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲地区高度发达,人口稠密), Taihu Lake, China's third largest freshwater lake(太湖是中国第三大淡水湖)has become increasingly polluted in recent years.
  During the last two decades, the overall water quality of Taihu Lake dropped from the national standard Grade II to worse than Grade V(太湖水质从国家二级降为五级), or unfit for human contact, says Jin Xiangcan, a leading expert on water environment at Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, who just finished a research project on algae control at Taihu Lake.
  Jin says the excess nutrients in the Taihu Lake were a result of continuous sewage and industrial pollution that provide favorable conditions for algae's growth.
  There are no short-term solutions to (解决…没有捷径可循/解决…是一项长期的任务)clear the nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from the lake, says Jin. He adds that the blue-green algae infestation would last at least three to five years, even if all the sources immediately stopped discharging waste into the lake(停止向太湖排放废物), says Jin.
  This is probably the reason why vice-minister Zhang has described the combat to clear Taihu Lake "a protracted battle(持久战)." He urged local authorities to closely monitor the blue-green algae to ensure that the outbreaks would not again threaten the drinking water supply.
  Lacking effective measures to prevent more blue-green algae blooms, fishing them out was necessary to try to minimize the damage. But last year, the algae started to decay before it was first removed from the lake and the water soon became foul smelling(气味难闻的).
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