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企业工会主席产生办法(试行)中英文翻译_Law online_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2011/8/4  阅读次数:13902  字体大小: 【】 【】【
第一章     总 则
第一条   为健全完善企业工会主席产生机制,充分发挥工会主席作用,切实履行工作职责,增强工会组织凝聚力,根据《工会法》、《中国工会章程》和《企业工会工作条例》,制定本办法。
第二条   中华人民共和国境内企业和实行企业化管理的事业单位、民办非企业单位的工会主席产生适用本办法。
第三条   企业工会主席产生,应坚持党管干部、依法规范、民主集中、组织有序的原则。
第四条   上一级工会应对企业工会主席产生进行直接指导。
第二章   任职条件
第五条   企业工会主席应具备下列条件:
第六条   企业行政负责人(含行政副职)、合伙人及其近亲属,人力资源部门负责人,外籍职工不得作为本企业工会主席候选人。
第三章   候选人产生
第七条   企业工会换届或新建立工会组织,应当成立由上一级工会、企业党组织和会员代表组成的领导小组,负责工会主席候选人提名和选举工作。
第八条   企业工会主席候选人应以工会分会或工会小组为单位酝酿推荐,或由全体会员以无记名投票方式推荐,上届工会委员会、上一级工会或工会筹备组根据多数会员的意见,提出候选人名单。
第九条   企业党组织和上级工会应对企业工会主席候选人进行考察,对不符合任职条件的予以调整。
第十条   企业工会主席候选人应进行公示,公示期为七天。公示按姓氏笔画排序。
第十一条   企业工会主席候选人应报经企业党组织和上一级工会审批。
第十二条   上级工会可以向非公有制企业工会、联合基层工会推荐本企业以外人员作为工会主席候选人。
第四章   民主选举
第十三条   企业工会主席产生均应依法履行民主选举程序,经会员民主选举方能任职。
第十四条   选举企业工会主席应召开会员大会或会员代表大会,采取无记名投票方式进行。
第十五条   企业工会主席可以由会员大会或会员代表大会直接选举产生,也可以由企业工会委员会选举产生;可以与企业工会委员会委员同时进行选举,也可以单独选举。
第十六条   会员大会或会员代表大会选举企业工会主席,参加选举人数为应到会人数三分之二以上时,方可进行选举。
第十七条   任何组织和任何个人不得妨碍民主选举工作,不得阻挠有选举权和被选举权的会员到场,不得以私下串联、胁迫他人等非组织行为强迫选举人选举或者不选举某个人,不得以任何方式追查选举人的投票意向。
第十八条   企业工会主席出现空缺,应在三个月内进行补选。
第五章   管理与待遇
第十九条   企业工会主席选举产生后应及时办理工会法人资格登记或工会法人代表变更登记。
第二十条   企业工会主席由同级党组织与上级工会双重领导,以同级党组织领导为主。尚未建立党组织的企业,其工会主席接受上一级工会领导。
第二十一条   职工二百人以上的企业依法配备专职工会主席。由同级党组织负责人担任工会主席的,应配备专职工会副主席。
第二十二条   企业工会主席任期未满,企业不得随意调动其工作,不得随意解除其劳动合同。因工作需要调动时,应当征得本级工会委员会和上一级工会同意,依法履行民主程序。
第二十三条   由上级工会推荐并经民主选举产生的企业工会主席,其工资待遇、社会保险费用等,可以由企业支付,也可以由上级工会或上级工会与其他方面合理承担。
第六章 附 则
第二十四条   联合基层工会、基层工会联合会主席的产生,参照本办法执行。  
第二十五条   本办法由中华全国总工会负责解释。
第二十六条   本办法自发布之日起施行。
Measures for the Election of the Labor Union Chairman of an Enterprise (for Trial Implementation)
(July 25, 2008)
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 In order to establish and enhance the mechanisms for electing the labor union chairman of an enterprise, to give full play to the role of the labor union chairman, to ensure the actual performance of work duties of the labor union chairman, and to strengthen the cohesiveness of the labor union, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Trade Union Law, the Constitution of Trade Union of China and the Regulation on the Work of Trade Unions of Enterprises.
Article 2 The election of the labor union chairman of an enterprise or of a public institution or private non-enterprise entity which implements the enterprise-style management within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be governed by these Measures.
Article 3 The election of the labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be based on the principle of administration of cadres by the Party (Communist Party of China), regulation by law, democratic centralization and orderly organization.
Article 4 The labor union at the next higher level shall directly guide the election of the labor union chairman of an enterprise.
Chapter II Conditions for Office
Article 5 The labor union chairman of an enterprise shall satisfy the following conditions:
(1) Having firm political standpoint and passion for the work of labor union;
(2) Having the educational background and knowledge of laws and regulations and production and business management appropriate for the performance of duties;
(3) Having a democratic work style, keeping in close contact with the people, and being dedicated to serving members and employees; and
(4) Having fairly strong organization and coordination capabilities.
Article 6 The executives in charge (including deputy executives) and partners of an enterprise and their close relatives, the persons in charge of the human resources department and the foreign employees shall not be the candidates for the labor union chairman of the enterprise.
Chapter III Generation of the Candidates
Article 7 Where the term of the labor union committee of an enterprise expires or a labor union is newly formed, a leading group composed of the representatives of the labor union at the next higher level, the Party organization of the enterprise and the members shall be set up to take charge of the work of nomination and election of the labor union chairman.
Article 8 The candidates for the labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be deliberated and recommended by branches or groups of the labor union, or recommended in secret ballot by all the members, and the labor union committee in the last term, the labor union at the next higher level or the labor union preparatory group shall propose a list of candidates based on the opinions of the majority of members.
The number of candidates for the labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be more than the number of labor union chairman to be elected.
Article 9 The Party organization of an enterprise and the labor union at the next higher level shall examine the candidates for the labor union chairman of the enterprise, and make adjustments on those who do not satisfy the conditions for office.
Article 10 The candidates for the labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be announced for a period of seven days. The announcement shall be arranged in the sequence of the numbers of strokes of their surnames.
Article 11 The candidates for the labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be reported to the Party organization of the enterprise and the labor union at the next higher level for examination and approval.
Article 12 The labor union at the higher level may recommend a person other than one of an enterprise as a candidate for the labor union chairman of the enterprise to the labor union of the non-public-owned enterprise or the federate grassroots labor union.
Chapter IV Democratic Election
Article 13 The labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be elected under democratic election procedures according to law, and may assume office only after being democratically elected by the members.
Article 14 The labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be elected in secret ballot at a members’ meeting or a member representatives’ meeting.
No elector who fails to appear at the meeting for some reason shall vote by proxy.
Article 15 The labor union chairman of an enterprise may be directly elected at the members’ meeting or the member representatives’ meeting, or be elected by the labor union committee of the enterprise; and may be elected concurrently with the election of the members of the labor union committee of the enterprise, and be separately elected.
Article 16 The labor union chairman shall be elected by the members’ meeting or the member representatives’ meeting, and only when the number of persons attending the election takes more than 2/3 of due number can the election be conducted.
Only when getting more than half of ballots of the meeting attendants can a candidate of labor union chairman of an enterprise be elected the chairman.
Article 17 Any organization and any individual shall neither hinder the democratic election work, nor stop members with the right to vote and the right to be elected attending the meeting, nor adopt such non-organizational behaviors as secret collusion and intimidating others, etc. to force electors to elect or not to elect a person, nor take any means to trace an elector’s voting intention.
Article 18 In case that the labor union chairman of an enterprise is vacant, the chairman shall be by-elected within three months.
An approval shall be obtained from the Party organization at the same level or the labor union at the next higher level prior to the by-election, with a vice chairman or a committee member presiding over the work, and the general term shall not exceed three months.
Chapter V Management and Remuneration
Article 19 After the election of labor union chairman of an enterprise, the labor union’s legal personality registration or the labor union’s legal representative alteration registration shall be handled in time.
The labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be generally treated as the enterprise’s deputy executives.
The labor union chairman of enterprises with corporation system shall enter the board of directors in accordance with laws.
Article 20 The labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be concurrently led by the Party organization at the same level or the labor union at the next higher level, with the former playing the leading role. For enterprises without the Party organizations, the labor union chairman shall be pursuant to the leadership of the labor union at the next higher level.
Article 21 Enterprises with more than 200 staffs shall deploy a full-time labor union chairman in accordance with laws. Where the responsible person of the Party organization at the same level, a full-time labor union vice chairman shall be deployed.
Enterprises shall, in accordance with laws, safeguard work time and relevant remuneration of part-time labor union chairman.
Article 22 Where the term of an enterprise’s labor union chairman does not expire, the enterprise shall not arbitrarily transfer the chairman, nor cancel the labor contract. Where the transfer is needed due to work requirements, the transfer shall be approved by the committee of the labor union and that of the labor union at the next higher level, with the democratic procedures to be followed in accordance with laws.
The term of the labor contract of the full-time labor union chairman shall, from the office-taking date, be extended automatically, with the extended term as long as the office-taking term; where the unfulfilled labor contract term is shorter than the term of the part-time chairman, the term of the labor contract shall be automatically extended to the expiry of the term, except those with serious misconducts or reaching the mandatory age for retirement during the term.  
The dismissal or replacement of an enterprise’s labor union chairman shall be passed by half secret ballots of all members of the members’ meeting or of the member representatives’ meeting.
Article 23 The salary and social insurance expenses, etc. of an enterprise’s labor union chairman recommended and elected democratically by the labor union at the next higher level may be paid by the enterprise, and also be reasonably born by the labor union at the next higher level and jointly by the labor union at the next higher level and other sides.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 24 The election of chairman of the amalgamated grassroots labor union and the grassroots labor union federation shall be pursuant to these Measures.
Article 25 These Measures shall be interpreted by All-China Federation of Trade Unions.
Article 26 These Measures shall come into effect from the promulgation date.
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