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专业化妆品翻译之补水、面膜系列_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2011/9/22  阅读次数:29123  字体大小: 【】 【】【


Enhanced moistening & nourishing water
w             成分:多种小分子纯植物精华,如小分子深海褐藻精华,燕麦精华,南美野山药精华,大豆精华,欧洲蓝莓精华等。
w             Ingredient: multiple small molecule pure herbal essences, including small molecule deep sea phaeophyta essence, oat essence, South American dioscorea japonica essence, soybean essence and European blueberry essence, etc.
w             作用:卓越的生物网络重建功效和超强的抗氧化能力,强化肌肤重焕能量强化肌肤网络平衡,密集润泽滋养,促进皮肤多层及深层细胞的营养均衡代谢,使肌肤细滑水润紧致,配合本公司其他功效产品效果倍增。
w             Efficacy: with excellent biological network rebuilding capacity and super strong oxidation resistance, it can strengthen the skin, revitalize the energy and enhance the balance of the skin network, making the skin delicate, smooth, firm and comfortable. The combined use with the company’s other products will multiple the effect.
w             使用方法:洁面后,将此水均匀抹在脸上按摩片刻待完全吸收为止,之后涂上增效水养面膜30分钟后洗去效果最佳,每周2-3次。
w             Usage: after face cleansing, apply the water equally to face and massage till it is fully absorbed, and then apply the enhanced moistening & nourishing mask. The effect will be ideal if wash face 30 minutes later. Two or three times a week.
Enhanced moistening & nourishing mask
w             成分:小分子深海蓝藻精华,印度豇豆精华,松针精华,洋甘菊精华,日本蜜桃蜜精华
w             Ingredient: small molecule blueberry essence, India cowpea essence, pine needle essence, chamomile essence, and Japanese honey peach essence.
w             作用:迅速高效透皮吸收水分,平衡皮肤营养结构,过滤肌肤污垢,平衡代谢速度,是皮肤水盈细滑幼嫩。
w             Efficacy: it can penetrate the skin and absorb water rapidly and efficiently, balance the skin’s nutrient structure, filtrate skin dirt, and balance metabolism velocity, making the skin delicate, smooth and tender.
w             使用方法:洁面后,用增效营养水按摩片刻,待干后将面膜涂于面部也按摩片刻,30分钟后即可冲洗,严重干燥者可与晚上睡前使用待第二天清晨洗去,在做其他护理。每周2-3次。
w             Usage: after face cleansing, apply the enhanced moistening & nourishing water to massage for several minutes till it is dried, and then apply the mask to the face and also massage for several minutes. Wash the face 30 minutes later. If the skin is extremely dry, it can be applied before sleep in the evening and wash it away in the morning, and then proceed with other nursing. Two or three times a week.
Enhanced moistening & nourishing milk
w             成分:日本蜜桃精华,小分子大豆精华,生物NET-WORK分子酶,小分子点校水等
w             Ingredient: Japanese honey peach essence, small molecule soybean essence, biological NET-WORK, molecular enzymology and small molecule spot checking water, etc.
w             作用:多层次返寻肌肤水份的传递及分布,平衡肌肤水养比例,使皮肤重焕光彩.
w             Efficacy: it can recheck the delivery and distribution of water in the skin at multiple levels, and balance the proportion of water and nutrient of skin, making the skin radiant.
w             使用方法:每日早晚一次涂于皮肤按摩吸收即可。
w             Usage: apply it to the skin and massage till absorption in the morning and the evening respectively.
Enhanced moistening & nourishing cream
w             成分:DP生物因子,小分子OPC精华,小麦胚芽精华及松子精华。
w             Ingredient: DP biological factor, small molecule OPC essence, wheat germ essence and pine nut essence.
w             作用:提升肌肤预防效能和养分代谢能力,有效对抗自由基,褒词12小时水养平衡是肌肤紧致年轻水润。
w             Efficacy: it can promote the skin’s preventive effect and nutrient metabolism capacity, effectively combat free radicals, and maintain 12h water & nutrient balance, making the skin firming, refreshing and moist.       
w             使用:洁面后用整颜液调整过脸型后,再将该霜涂于全脸后抹上无比膜效果最佳。
w             Usage: after face cleansing and trimming with the face trimmer, apply it to the whole face, and the effect will be ideal if use together with the unparalleled mask.
Multi-effect energizing mask
w             成分:超小分子生物能量,透皮吸收活力酶,微包裹胶原载体,深海蓝藻精华等。
w             Ingredient: super small molecule biotic energy, skin-penetrated active enzyme, mini-packaged collagen carrier and deep sea cyanophytes essence.
w             作用:能协载其他成分透皮吸收代谢,加速各类产品的功效。
w             Efficacy: it can help delivery other ingredients to penetrate the skin for absorption and metabolism, and accelerate the effect of various products.
w             使用方法:将要将送入的产品先涂抹于肌肤待产品按摩吸收后把此产品均涂于要增效的部位充分按摩(加热或冷敷)30分钟后洗去即可。
w             Usage: apply the products to be used first to the skin and massage till fully absorbed, and then apply this product to the parts for enhancing the effect with sufficient massage (heating or cold compress), and wash away 30 minutes later.
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  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/1/19 22:17:18] IP:[*]
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  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/1/17 20:43:17] IP:[*]
  • 5mkY4p <a href="http://avxqdzdjdxvg.com/">avxqdzdjdxvg</a>
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/1/15 21:18:27] IP:[*]
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  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/1/15 17:13:00] IP:[*]
  • I7Ofil <a href="http://fojcnnkxudpy.com/">fojcnnkxudpy</a>
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/1/15 2:52:06] IP:[*]
  • Thanks for the great info dog I owe you biiggty.

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