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中国企业社会责任研究中心介绍_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2012/2/6  阅读次数:9257  字体大小: 【】 【】【
China Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Research Center
  中国企业社会责任研究中心是由南方周末报社发起, 以全面推动企业社会责任为使命的机构。中心以“世界500强企业在华贡献排行榜”、“中国(内地)民营企业创富榜”、“国有上市企业社会责任榜”三榜评选为核心,通过设立以经营状况、社会责任为主体的指标体系,通过对在华大型企业的综合调研评估,传播研究中心“责任同行”的理念,引导企业、社会的和谐发展。
  The China CSR Research Center, founded by the Southern weekly, is an authoritative institute with promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) as its mission. Its tasks include referencing Overall Ranking of Contribution of Fortune Global 500 in China and the Overall Ranking of Chinese Private Enterprises, and creating the Overall Ranking of Listed State-owned Enterprises by Corporate Social Responsibility. Through establishing an index system involving Operation status, CSR, social contribution and public image of the company, and carrying out comprehensive investigation, research and assessment, the center broadcasts the concept of “developing with the responsibility” to the whole society, commending the correct CSR direction and guiding the harmonious development of enterprises and the society at large. It is first institute in China to research and assess the capital scale and CSR of companies on the basis of scientific and measurable third-party data.
在中国的CSR项目 / CSR作为:
中国企业评选 Ranking of Enterprises in China
  The Ranking of Enterprises in China is created by the China CSR Research Center of the Southern weekly, which includes three List: “Overall Ranking of Chinese Private Enterprises (Mainland)”,” Overall Ranking of Contribution of Fortune Global 500 in China” and “Overall Ranking of Listed State-owned Companies by Corporate Social Responsibility”. It is a comprehensive assessment of Chinese private enterprises in terms of capital scale and CSR. It is based on authoritative data from the government and an assessment system including indices of “operation”, “social contribution”, “CSR” and “public image”.
企业社会责任特刊 CSR Special editions
  One or two special editions on CSR will be issued in the fourth season annually. Relevant statistics, research reports as well as reports on CSR will all be publicized in these special editions.
社会责任大讲堂 CSR Lectures
  The CSR center will invite renowned scholars and advisors from advisory organizations to give lectures at universities (Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-sin University and the like) across China. All information about the lectures will also be released through on-line special coverage or special editions.
主题论坛 CSR Forums
  Each year the CSR center will work with governments of large and medium-sized cities on the selection of forum themes and the invitation of speakers from advisory organizations. All information about the forums will also be publicized through on-line special coverage or special editions.
  研究报告及企业案例出版 Publication of CSR research reports and cases
  Reports with the analyzed statistics and cases from various enterprises will be published by the center to governmental department, academic institutes, companies, as well as the media. The publication of the reports and cases will be under the charge of CSR center director, who is also a member of the editorial board.
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