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中华人民共和国公司法中英文版_Law online_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2009/11/25  阅读次数:32846  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Section Two   Organs
Article 37 The shareholders' committee of a limited liability company consists of all the shareholders, and the shareholders' committee is the company's organ of authority, and shall exercise its powers in accordance herewith.
Article 38 The shareholders' committee shall exercise the following powers:
(i) determining the company's operational guidelines and investment plans;
(ii) electing and replacing directors, and deciding upon matters relating to their remuneration;
(iii) electing and replacing supervisors who represent the shareholders, and deciding upon matters relating to the remuneration of supervisors;
(iv) considering and approving reports by the board of directors;
(v) considering and approving reports by the board of supervisors or the supervisor, as the case may be;
(vi) considering and approving annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans of the company;
(vii) considering and approving company profit distribution plans and plans to cover company losses;
(viii) adopting resolutions relating to increase or reduction of the company's registered capital;
(ix) adopting resolutions relating to issuance of company bonds;
(x) adopting resolutions relating to assignment of share of capital contribution by a shareholder to anyone other than a shareholder of the company;
(xi) adopting resolutions relating to merger, division, change of corporate form, dissolution and liquidation of the company;
(xii) amending the articles of association.
Article 39 Unless otherwise provided herein, the method for conducting business and voting procedure at a meeting of shareholders' committee shall be prescribed by the articles of association.
Any resolution adopted by the shareholders' committee relating to the company's increase or reduction of registered capital, division, merger, dissolution or change of corporate form requires affirmative votes by shareholders representing two-thirds of the votes.
Article 40 A company may amend its articles of association. Adoption of a resolution to amend the articles of association requires affirmative votes by shareholders representing two-thirds of the votes.
Article 41 Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at the meeting of shareholders' committee in proportion to their respective shares of capital contribution.
Article 42 The first meeting of shareholders committee shall be called and presided over by the shareholder with the largest share of capital contribution, and shall exercise its powers in accordance herewith.
Article 43 Meetings of shareholders committee are classified as either regular meetings or interim meetings.
Regular meetings shall be timely held as prescribed in the articles of association. Shareholders representing one-fourth or more of the votes, or one-third of the directors or supervisors, may propose for an interim meeting.
Where a limited liability company has a board of directors, a meeting of shareholders committee shall be called by the board, and presided over by the chairman of the board; where the chairman is unable to perform his duties due to any special reason, the meeting shall be presided over by the vice-chairman or another director appointed by the chairman.
Article 44 In order to hold a meeting of shareholders committee, notice shall be given to all shareholders 15 days in advance.
The shareholders' committee shall prepare minutes regarding the decisions on matters considered at the meeting of shareholders committee, which shall be signed by the shareholders attending the meeting.
Article 45 A limited liability company shall have a board of directors, which shall be composed of not fewer than 3 but not more than 13 directors.
Where a limited liability company has been established through investment by two or more state-owned enterprises, or by two or more state-owned investment entities of other kinds, there shall be representative(s) of the workers of the company on the board of directors. The representative(s) of the workers on the board shall be democratically elected by the workers of the company.
The board shall have one chairman, and may have one to two vice-chairmen. The manner in which the chairman and vice-chairman are selected shall be prescribed by the articles of association.
The chairman is the legal representative of the company.
Article 46 The board of directors is accountable to the shareholders' committee, and shall exercise the following powers:
(i) being responsible for calling meetings of shareholders committee and presenting reports thereto;
(ii) implementing resolutions adopted by the shareholders' committee;
(iii) determining the company's operational plans and investment programs;
(iv) preparing annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans of the company;
(v) preparing profit distribution plans and plans to cover company losses;
(vi) preparing plans for increasing or reducing registered capital of the company;
(vii) drafting plans for merger, division, change of corporate form or dissolution of the company;
(viii) determining the structure of the company's internal management;
(ix) appointing or removing the manager (general manager) (Hereinafter referred to as the "general manager") of the company, appointing or removing, upon the general manager's recommendation, deputy managers of the company and the officer in charge of finance, and determining the remuneration for those officers;
(x) formulating the basic management scheme of the company.
Article 47 The term of the directors shall be prescribed by the articles of association, provided that each term may not exceed 3 years. A director may continue to serve his post if he is re-elected upon the expiration of his term.
Prior to expiration of a director's term, the shareholders' committee may not remove him without cause.
Article 48 A meeting of the board of directors shall be called and presided over by the chairman; in the event that the chairman is unable to perform his duties due to any special reason, the chairman shall appoint the vice-chairman or another director to call and preside over the meeting. One-third or more of the directors may propose for a meeting of the board.
Article 49 Unless otherwise provided herein, the method for conducting business and voting procedure at the meeting of board of directors shall be prescribed by the articles of association.
In order to hold a board meeting, notice shall be given to all directors 10 days in advance.
The board shall prepare minutes relating to the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the directors attending the meeting.
Article 50 A limited liability company shall have a general manager, to be appointed or removed by the board of directors. The general manager is accountable to the board and shall exercise the following powers:
(i) being in charge of the management of the company's production and operation, and organizing the implementation of board resolutions;
(ii) organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company;
(3) preparing the plan for the structure of the company's internal management;
(iv) preparing the basic management scheme of the company;
(v) formulating detailed company rules;
(vi) recommending the appointment or removal of a deputy general manager and the officer in charge of finance;
(vii) appointing and removing officers of the company other than those to be appointed or removed by the board;
8   公司章程和董事会授予的其他职权。
(viii) other powers prescribed by the articles of association or delegated by the board.
The general manager shall be present at board meetings.
Article 51 A small-scaled limited liability company with only a few shareholders may have an executive director without establishing a board of directors. The executive director may serve concurrently as the general manager of the company.
The powers of the executive director shall be prescribed in the articles of association by reference to the provisions of Article 46 hereof.
Absent a board of directors, the executive director of a limited liability company shall be the legal representative thereof.
Article 52 A large-scaled limited liability company shall have a board of supervisors, which shall be composed of not fewer than 3 members. The board of supervisors shall elect one of its members as the person responsible for calling meetings.
监事会由股东代表和适当比例的公司职工代表 组成,具体比例由公司章程规定,监事会中的职工代表由公司职工民主选举产生。
The board of supervisors shall be composed of shareholders' representative(s) and representative(s) of the workers' of the company at an appropriate ratio to be specifically prescribed in the articles of association. The workers' representative(s) on the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected by the workers of the company.
A small-scaled limited liability company with only a few shareholders may have one or two supervisors.
A director, the general manager and the officer in charge of finance may not serve concurrently as a supervisor.
Article 53 Each term of a supervisor shall be 3 years, and a supervisor may continue to serve his post upon expiration of his term if he is re-elected.
Article 54 The board of supervisors or the supervisor, as the case may be, shall exercise the following authorities:
(i) reviewing the financial affairs of the company;
(ii) monitoring the acts of the directors or the general manager to guard against violation of national statutes, administrative regulations or the articles of association in the course of performance of their duties;
(iii) requiring the directors or the general manager to make rectification when any act thereof causes harm to company interests;
(iv) proposing for inte
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