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西安会计保险翻译:企业会计准则第26号--再保险合同_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/8/6  阅读次数:4754  字体大小: 【】 【】【


Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 26 – Reinsurance Contracts

(No. 3 [2006] of the Ministry of Finance February 15, 2006)

第一章       总则
Chapter I General Principles

  第一条 为了规范再保险合同的确认、计量和相关信息的列报,根据《企业会计准则--基本准则》,制定本准则。
  第二条 再保险合同,是指一个保险人(再保险分出人)分出一定的保费给另一个保险人(再保险接受人),再保险接受人对再保险分出人由原保险合同所引起的赔付成本及其他相关费用进行补偿的保险合同。
Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the recognition and measurement of reinsurance contracts, as well as the presentation of relevant information, these Standards are formulated in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises – Basic Standards.
Article 2 The term “reinsurance contract” refers to an insurance contract under which the insurer (cedant) cedes a certain portion of a premium to another insurer (reinsurance acceptor) and the reinsurance acceptor makes compensations to the cedant for the compensation cost and other relevant expenses arising from the original insurance contract.

  第三条 本准则适用于保险人签发、持有的再保险合同。
  第四条 保险人签发的原保险合同,适用《企业会计准则第25号--原保险合同》。
Article 3 These Standards shall apply to the reinsurance contracts issued and held by insurers.
A sub-reinsurance contract under which an insurer cedes a reinsurance business, which is ceded to it, to another insurer shall be governed by these Standards.
Article 4 The original insurance contracts issued by insurers shall be governed by the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 25 – Original Insurance Contracts.

  第二章 分出业务的会计处理
Chapter II Accounting Treatments of Ceded-out Business

  第五条 再保险分出人不应当将再保险合同形成的资产与有关原保险合同形成的负债相互抵销。
Article 5 No cedant may offset the assets formed by reinsurance contracts against the liabilities formed by the relevant original insurance contracts.
No cedant may offset the incomes or expenses formed by the reinsurance contracts against the expenses or incomes formed by the relevant original insurance contracts.

  第六条 再保险分出人应当在确认原保险合同保费收入的当期,按照相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定分出保费,计入当期损益;同时,原保险合同为非寿险原保险合同的,再保险分出人还应当按照相关再保险合同的约定,计算确认相关的应收分保未到期责任准备金资产,并冲减提取未到期责任准备金。
Article 6 A cedant shall, in the current period of recognition of the premium income of an original insurance contract, calculate and determine the ceded premium according to the reinsurance contract and record it in the profits and losses of the current period. In the mean while, if the original insurance contract is a non-life original insurance contract, the cedant shall, under the relevant stipulations of the reinsurance contract, calculate and recognize the receivable reinsurance unearned premium reserve as an asset and offset it against the unearned premium reserve.
When the cedant adjusts the balance of the unearned premium reserve on the original insurance contract on the balance sheet date, it shall adjust the amount of the receivable reinsurance unearned premium reserve accordingly.

  第七条 再保险分出人应当在确认原保险合同保费收入的当期,按照相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定应向再保险接受人摊回的分保费用,计入当期损益。
  第八条 再保险分出人应当在提取原保险合同未决赔款准备金、寿险责任准备金、长期健康险责任准备金的当期,按照相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定应向再保险接受人摊回的相应准备金,确认为相应的应收分保准备金资产。
Article 7 A cedant shall, in the current period of recognition of the premium income of the original insurance contract, calculate and determine the reinsurance expenses which should be recovered from the reinsurance acceptor and record them in the profits and losses of the current period.
Article 8 A cedant shall, in the current period of making a reserve for unearned premium, reserve for life insurance liabilities or reserve for long-term health insurance liabilities on an original insurance contract, calculate and determine the corresponding reserve that should be recovered from the reinsurance acceptor according to the stipulations of the relevant reinsurance contract, and shall recognize the corresponding receivable reinsurance reserve as an asset.

  第九条 再保险分出人应当在确定支付赔付款项金额或实际发生理赔费用而冲减原保险合同相应准备金余额的当期,冲减相应的应收分保准备金余额;同时,按照相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定应向再保险接受人摊回的赔付成本,计入当期损益。
  第十条 再保险分出人应当在原保险合同提前解除的当期,按照相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定分出保费、摊回分保费用的调整金额,计入当期损益;同时,转销相关应收分保准备金余额。
Article 9 A cedant shall, in the current period of determining and offsetting the amount of an indemnity payment or the expenses actually incurred for the settlement of a claim against the balance of the corresponding reserve on the original insurance contract, offset it against the balance of the corresponding receivable reinsurance reserve. In the mean while, it shall, according to the stipulations of the re-insurance contracts, calculate and determine the compensation cost that should be recovered from the reinsurance acceptor, and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.
Article 10 A cedant shall, in the current period of canceling an original insurance contract, calculate and determine the amount of adjustment to the ceded premium or the recovered reinsurance expenses according to the stipulations of the relevant reinsurance contract, and record it in the profits and losses of the current period. In the mean while, it shall write off the amount of the relevant receivable reinsurance reserve.

  第十一条 再保险分出人应当在因取得和处置损余物资、确认和收到应收代位追偿款等而调整原保险合同赔付成本的当期,按照相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定摊回赔付成本的调整金额,计入当期损益。
  第十二条 再保险分出人应当在发出分保业务账单时,将账单标明的扣存本期分保保证金确认为存入分保保证金;同时,按照账单标明的返还上期扣存分保保证金转销相关存入分保保证金。
Article 11 A cedant shall, in the current period of making an adjustment to the compensation cost of an original insurance contract due to obtainment or disposal of any post-loss goods, or recognition and receipt of any subrogation recourse fee, calculate and determine the amount of adjustment to the to-be-recovered compensation cost according to the stipulations of the relevant reinsurance contract, and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.
Article 12 When a cedant issues a reinsurance bill, it shall recognize the reinsurance guarantee to be deposited in the current period as stated in the bill as the deposited-in reinsurance guarantee. In the mean while, it shall write off the relevant deposited-in reinsurance guarantee according to the refund of the deposited-in reinsurance guarantee of the previous period as stated in the bill.
The cedant shall, under the relevant reinsurance contract, calculate the interest on the deposited-in reinsurance guarantee of each period and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.

  第十三条 再保险分出人应当根据相关再保险合同的约定,在能够计算确定应向再保险接受人收取的纯益手续费时,将该项纯益手续费作为摊回分保费用,计入当期损益。
  第十四条 对于超额赔款再保险等非比例再保险合同,再保险分出人应当根据再保险合同的约定,计算确定分出保费,计入当期损益。
Article 13 When a cedant is able to calculate and determine the net profit commissions which it should charges the reinsurance acceptor, it shall, according to the stipulations of the relevant reinsurance contracts, treat the profit commission as a recovered reinsurance expense, and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.
Article 14 For a excess of loss reinsurance or any other non-proportional reinsurance contract, the cedant shall, under the stipulations of the reinsurance contract, calculate and determine the premium to be ceded out, and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.
When the cedant makes an adjustment to the premium, it shall record the amount of adjustment in the profits and losses of the current period.
When the cedant is able to calculate and determine the compensation cost that should be recovered from the reinsurance acceptor, it shall record the to-be-recovered compensation cost in the profits and losses of the current period.

  第三章 分入业务的会计处理
Chapter III Accounting Treatments of Ceded-in Business

  第十五条 分保费收入同时满足下列条件的,才能予以确认:
Article 15 No reinsurance premium income may be recognized unless it meets the following conditions simultaneously:
(1)The reinsurance contract is established and the relevant insurance liabilities are undertaken;
(2)The economic benefits relating to the reinsurance contract are likely to flow in;
(3)The economic benefits relating to the reinsurance contract can be measured reliably.
The reinsurance acceptor shall calculate and determine the amount of reinsurance premium income under the stipulations of the reinsurance contract.

  第十六条 再保险接受人应当在确认分保费收入的当期,根据相关再保险合同的约定,计算确定分保费用,计入当期损益。
  第十七条 再保险接受人应当根据相关再保险合同的约定,在能够计算确定应向再保险分出人支付的纯益手续费时,将该项纯益手续费作为分保费用,计入当期损益。
Article 16 A reinsurance acceptor shall, in the current period of recognizing a reinsurance premium income, calculate and determine the reinsurance expenses according to the stipulations of the reinsurance contract, and record them in the profits and losses of the current period.
Article 17 When a reinsurance acceptor is able to calculate and determine the net profit commissions which it should pay to the cedant, it shall, under the stipulations of the relevant reinsurance contract, treat the profit commissions as a reinsurance expense and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.

  第十八条 再保险接受人应当在收到分保业务账单时,按照账单标明的金额对相关分保费收入、分保费用进行调整,调整金额计入当期损益。
  第十九条 再保险接受人提取分保未到期责任准备金、分保未决赔款准备金、分保寿险责任准备金、分保长期健康险责任准备金,以及进行相关分保准备金充足性测试,比照《企业会计准则第25 号--原保险合同》的相关规定处理。
Article 18 When a reinsurance acceptor receives a reinsurance bill, it shall make an adjustment to the relevant premium income and premium expenses according to the amount as specified in the bill, and record the amount of adjustment in the profits and losses of the current period.
Article 19 A reinsurance acceptor shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 25 – Original Insurance Contracts when it makes reserves for unearned reinsurance premiums, outstanding reinsurance claims, reinsurance life insurance liabilities and the reinsurance of long-term health care insurance liabilities, and tests the adequacy of the relevant reserves.

  第二十条 再保险接受人应当在收到分保业务账单的当期,按照账单标明的分保赔付款项金额,作为分保赔付成本,计入当期损益;
  第二十一条 再保险接受人应当在收到分保业务账单时,将账单标明的扣存本期分保保证金确认为存出分保保证金;同时,按照账单标明的返还上期扣存分保保证金转销相关存出分保保证金。
Article 20 A reinsurance acceptor shall, in the current period of receipt of a reinsurance bill, treat the amount of the reinsurance indemnity payment specified in the said bill as the reinsurance compensation cost and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.
In the mean while, it shall offset it against the balance of the reinsurance reserve.
Article 21 When a reinsurance acceptor receives a reinsurance bill, it shall recognize the reinsurance guarantee to be deposited in the current period as stated in the bill as the deposited-out reinsurance guarantee. In the mean while, it shall write off the relevant deposited reinsurance guarantee according to the refund of the deposit-out reinsurance guarantee of the previous period as stated in the bill.
The reinsurance acceptor shall, under the stipulations of the reinsurance contract, calculate the interest on the deposit-out reinsurance guarantee of each period and record it in the profits and losses of the current period.

  第四章 列报
Chapter IV Presentation

  第二十二条 保险人应当在资产负债表中单独列示与再保险合同有关的下列项目:
Article 22 An insurer shall, in its balance sheets, separately present the following items relating to the reinsurance contracts:
(1)The reinsurance receivables;
(2)The receivable unearned reinsurance premium reserve;
(3)The receivable reserve for outstanding reinsurance claims;
(4)The receivable reserve for reinsurance life insurance liabilities;
(5)The receivable reserve for the reinsurance of long-term health insurance liabilities; and
(6)The reinsurance payables.

  第二十三条 保险人应当在利润表中单独列示与再保险合同有关的下列项目:
Article 23 An insurer shall, in its profit statements, separately present the following items relating to the reinsurance contracts:
(1) The reinsurance premium income;
(2) The ceded-out premiums;
(3) The recovered reinsurance expenses;
(4) The reinsurance expenses;
(5) The recovered compensation cost;
(6) The reinsurance compensation cost;
(7) The recovered reinsurance compensation cost;
(8) The recovered reserve for life insurance liabilities; and
(9) The recovered reserve for long-term health insurance liabilities.

  第二十四条 保险人应当在附注中披露与再保险合同有关的下列信息:
Article 24 An insurer shall, in its notes, disclose the following information relating to the reinsurance contracts:
(1)The information about the increase and decrease of the reinsurance reserves for the ceded-in business.
(2) The main actuarial assumptions and methods for making reinsurance reserves and testing the adequacy of the reinsurance reserves for the ceded-in business.
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