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发布时间:2010/12/30  阅读次数:6359  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Years ago, he was once confident about his swordsmanship. However, I saw through that the inner essence had yet not been brought out though his technique was really good. So, I told him that his level was not high enough when we made exchange. Anyway, many martial arts masters are generally face-saving and do not like others to pick faults. Nevertheless, he is happy to learn from others. After hearing what I said, he asked opinions from me wholeheartedly on how to make improvements, and I told him some of my experience and what I had learned. While, the most impressive thing to me was that he could understand what I said very quickly, and tried to experience and master it in good earnest during practices. Finally, he made rapid improvement. I think that is one of reasons why he is so young but can be among the best-of-class.
Please comment on the context of your interaction with the applicant. How long have you known the applicant and in what connection? If applicable, briefly describe the applicant's role in your organization. (250-word limit) hbs
我认识他有10年时间。我们都是Beijing Chen Style Taichi Kungfu Association的领导,他是Vice President, 我是副秘书长,我们在协会各项活动的组织中合作。我们也都是中国传统武术的master。我们经常在一块联系,切磋。也经常在一块组织协会的各种活动。他是我们协会最年轻的领导,也是中国的武术协会中年轻有为的领导。他在协会中主要负责教学生,推广武术,与其他武术协会及社会团体联络等各项工作。
I have known him for ten years, and both of us are leaders of Beijing Chen Style Taichi Kungfu Association. He is Vice President while I am Deputy Secretary General, and we cooperate with each other in all events of the Association. Meanwhile, we are also masters of Chinese Traditional Martial Arts. We often exchange and practice with each other together, and also jointly organize various events of the Association. He is the youngest leader of the Association, as well as a young but resourceful leader in Chinese Martial Art Association. His major role in the Association is to manage students, popularize martial arts and conduct communications with other martial arts associations and social organizations.
Please describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant's response. (250-word limit)
Having practiced Taichi (shadowboxing) for many years, he is sophisticated in Taichi and happy to exchange with others, but he is unwilling to take part in any contests. Nevertheless, I often attend various contests. Taking notice of my doing, he exchanged with me, saying that the judging criterion of contests is different from that of genuine Kong Fu, so there is no use to take part in contests. Then he asked me about my experience in participating in contests. I said that his thought is reasonable, but contests can actually improve some techniques; moreover, we can get valuable opportunities to exchange and communicate with more masters by participating in contests. After hearing what I said, he thought my ideas are reasonable, and admitted that his consideration before was incomplete. From then on, he becomes active in participating in contests. Consequently, not only did he improve his level and make many friends in contests, but also won champions in two national contests.
Please make additional statements about the applicant's performance, potential, or personal qualities you believe would be helpful to the MBA Admissions Board. (250-word limit)
I think that he will become a person with profound leadership in the course of inheriting and developing martial arts. First, his Kong Fu level is very high, which is the precondition; second, he is happy to help others learn Kong Fu, and shows respects to others, so people not only like him, but also feel happy to cooperate with his work during martial arts events. Third, he possesses strong organizing capacity. For example, he once organized one of our celebrating parties. In the course of organizing the party, he set up a small organizing team, and assigned members of the team to be responsible for various functions, so as to put all work into place. Meanwhile, he ensured to keep in close touch with all participants to keep all informed; besides, he made calls and sent SMS to all participants regularly to remind them of details of the event. When the event kicked off, he served as the compere and succeeded in cheering up the atmosphere of the whole meeting. Therefore, the event turned out to be a full success, which has strengthened the coherence of the Association, and rendered the sense of significance to all participants.
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