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新闻翻译:Zoho、数字星空联手打造在线应用平台_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/12/26  阅读次数:4339  字体大小: 【】 【】【

新闻翻译:Zoho、数字星空联手打造在线应用平台Zoho and PCStars Jointly Forge Online Application Platform

             前不久有关全球第一大在线软件商Zoho即将进入中国的传闻终于锤音落定, 4月21日, Zoho与中国最大的正版软件在线发行服务商数字星空在北京翠宫饭店内召开了“2008 Zoho、数字星空战略合作暨Baihui.com正式上线运营”发布会,两方正式确立携手打造Baihui.com在线应用平台的战略合作,共同开启互联网领域在线应用宝藏之门。
Not long before, the hearsay that the global first largest online software supplier Zoho will soon enter China has eventually been confirmed. April 21, Zoho and PCStars, China’s largest legitimate software online release service supplier, held the “2008 Zoho and PCStars’s Strategic Cooperation and Official Online Operation of Baihui.com” press conference in Beijing Jadepalace Hotel. Both parties have determined to jointly forge a strategic partnership to operate the Baihui.com online application platform, and thereby set their feet in the treasure land of Internet online application.
Win-win cooperation, to lead China’s individual online application market
As the global largest online software supplier, Zoho’s product portfolio is fairly complete, ranging from text, spreadsheet, and demonstration to document, note, diagram, plan, mail, project and Wiki, etc., and all products will successively enter China’s market in order. Zoho attaches great importance to the cooperation with PCStars this time, and therefore reflects the professional style, scientific management level and the ideal of user first from product deployment, exchange of technical opinions, to problem feedback and first-time response, etc.
Established in March 2006, PCStars has now been China’s largest legitimate software online release service supplier, and can provide more than 5,000 various kinds of software. Since July 2006 when Kaspersky 6.0 coming into the market, PCStars has all along been the sole release service supplier of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal in Mainland China. Kaspersky jumped to the second in China’s personal anti-virus software market in 2007, which was a surprising achievement in the industry. So, no matter judging from the fund capability or from the market operating capacity, PCStars will be the first choice for cooperation for international software suppliers to enter China. Relying on advantages of Zoho’s products and conducting local market operation of Zoho’s products through the Baihui.com platform, we firmly believe that PCStars will become a force that makes a difference in China’s online software market.
Combination of online software and accurate search to carve up the Internet online application cake
               此次发布会充分体现Baihui.com平台“在线应用 简单一点”的产品特征与核心价值。
The press conference brings into full play such product characteristic and core value of the Baihui.com platform as “online application for a simpler life”.
             在线办公软件方面,Baihui.com为用户提供一套“终生免费使用、无需安装升级、无限存储空间、轻松分享协同”的在线办公软件——百会写写(Zoho Writer)、秀秀(Zoho Show)、格格(Zoho Sheet)。这些在线应用软件彻底传承传统Office办公软件的全部功能,不会改变目前用户现有的使用习惯,可以实时与亲朋好友共享文档、协同工作。
In the field of online office software, Baihui.com will provide users with a set of online office software, namely Zoho Writer, Zoho Show and Zoho Sheet, which are characterized by “free use forever, no necessity of install and update, limitless storage and easy share and coordination”. Moreover, all these online application software have totally inherited all functions of the traditional Office software, and will therefore not change current use habit of users, which facilitates the real-time share of documents and coordination of work.
Besides online software, Baihui.com has long before had extensive accumulation in the field of accurate search, with partial search products demonstrated on the press conference. With enormous game resources on the Internet integrated by the most highlighted accurate search of games and software, and through unique information extraction and demonstration technology, Baihui.com enables players to conveniently find various games and software resources with excellent experience. Moreover, there are such search products as hardware and autos, etc. in the Baihui.com lab, which can provide accurate information search services for uses.
After taking a lead in launching the software online release business, PCStars will, through the cooperation with Zoho, kick off its influential march into the online software kingdom. As a subordinated website of PCStars, Baihui.com is, on the basis of PCStars’s integrated resources, striding steadily forward China’s leading accurate search and online software platform.
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