· 积极承接国际服务业的外包转移
seek more service jobs outsourced by foreign countries/companies
· 生活垃圾无害化处理
harmless treatment of domestic garbage
· 主办
under the auspices of / sponsored by / hosted by
· 协办、支持
co-sponsored by,supported by
· 承办
presented by
· 开源节流
Tap new resources and economize on consumption.
Increase income and reduce expenditure.
· (我省农业可以做到)旱涝保收。
ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain; make gains no matter what happens
· 我省主要农作物:高粱、小麦、水稻、玉米
major crops: Chinese sorghm, wheat, rice, maize/corn
· 公务护照/因公普通护照
Service Passport/ Passport for Public Affairs
睢宁儿童画 Children’s Pictures of Suining County
江苏揽胜剪纸 Paper-cuts of Scenic Spots in Jiangsu
金蝉玉叶 A Golden Cicada sitting on Jade Leaves
铜牛灯 Bronze Lamp in the Shape of a Bull
金箔画 Gold Foil/ Gold Leaf Painting
金箔《孙子兵法》 Gold Foiled Sun-tzu’s Art of War
珍珠项链 Pearl Necklace
檀香扇 Sandalwood Fan
红木名片盒 Rosewood Box of Business Cards
红木笔筒 Rosewood Pen Container
扬州漆器(台屏) Yangzhou Lacquerware (Desk Scroll)
和平之春 Spring of Peace
锦绣前程 Promising Future
秦淮月影 Shadow of the Moon along Qinhuai River
紫砂壶 Boccaro Teapot
青花瓷瓶 Blue and White Porcelain-ware
云锦团龙 Silk Brocade with Dragon Pattern
云锦牡丹 Silk Brocade with Peony Pattern
紫檀宫扇 Sandlewood Imperial Fan
苏绣 Suzhou Embroidery
乱针绣水乡 Random Stitch Embroidery Picturing a Watertown
双面绣 Double-sided Embroidery
真丝围巾 Silk Scarf
真丝领带 Silk Tie
缂丝小包 Kesi Fabric Bag
发展滞后 inadequate development
处理好速度和 balance the growth rate with structural
结构、效益的关系 and performance improvement
乡镇机构 town and township government bodies
问责制 accountability system
教育乱收费 arbitrary educational charges
发展是硬道理 Development is an absolute necessity.
重要战略机遇期 the period of important strategic opportunities
两个市场,两种资源 both domestic and international markets and resources
共性技术,关键技术, 配套技术broadly applicable, key and accessory technologies
产业化经营 industrial management
特色产业 distinctive industries
资源型经济 resource-based economy
节能降耗的新技术 new technologies that use less energy and resources
对高耗能、高物耗设备和 institute a system of requiring the elimination of
产品实行强制淘汰制度 equipment and products that consume excessive quantities of energy and materials
循环经济 circular economy
资源开发利用补偿机制 the compensation mechanism for the exploitation and utilization of resources
节约型社会 conservation-minded society
饮用水源地 potable water sources
出口商品结构 the export mix
提高利用外资质量 improve the performance of foreign capital
舆论环境 the public opinion environment
推动经济增长从资源 to accelerate economic growth through innovation
依赖性转向创新驱动型 rather than resource consumption
原始创新 original innovation
集成创新 integrated innovation
引进消化吸收再创新 digestion, absorption and improvement of introduced technologies
加强产学研结合 strengthen cooperation among industries, universities and research institutes
Jiangsu enjoys sound momentum in its next round of development.
South Jiangsu is in the process of industrial transformation and restructuring.
to relocate more of the manufacturing sector to the central and northern parts of Jiangsu
to close down enterprises that cannot meet environmental standards. In South Jiangsu alone, 1,700 plants were shut down last year.
Projects that meet industrial policies and environmental requirements are encouraged to be launched as soon as possible.
Jiangsu leads the country in its aid programs in the wake of the earthquake.
◆我们派了医疗队,搞了木板房/移动板房/移动防震棚,接受了很多伤病员,还拿出了很多钱去救济 。
We sent our medical teams, constructed makeshift woodboard shelters/mobile emergency shelters/mobile quake-resistant shelters, received and treated a large number of quake victims and raised and donated a great deal of money.
rescue teams, psychological counselors, volunteers
psychological intervention
None of these efforts could be sustained without economic development.
What’s next on the agenda is that we provide aid to a designated county in the quake-hit area.
Jiangsu, a prosperous province, is well-positioned to make more contributions to the recovery of China’s quake-affected economy.
On our part, we are committed to making a service-oriented government, giving full support to the growth of enterprises.
◆在当前的情况下,我尤其希望,能看准(settle on/favor)一个项目就抓紧投入。
Given the present situation, I would very much like to see investment could be put in place once you’ve made your decision/ a project is nailed down.
The world economy is not in good shape recently.
Our experiences have told us that when the economy fluctuates there will be more opportunities and if you wait till everything is back on the right track the opportunities will be less.
The key lies in the way we use hi-tech to fuel the growth of traditional sectors.
◆超前意识 foresight/vision
◆零排放 zero emission
◆厌氧 anaerobic (如:anaerobic bacteria 厌氧菌)
◆喜氧 aerobic (如:aerobic bacteria 喜氧菌)
We are grateful for the sympathy, support and aid that European countries have extended to us.
Chinese students chose United States to further their studies a decade ago, but now the climate has changed. More and more students went to Europe.
That fully explains why your Chinese is so impressive!
I have full conviction that we will win this battle.
◆帐篷储备 tocks of tents
◆知青: educated youth, usually referring to secondary school graduates who were unable to pursue their studies in institutions of higher learning during the Cultural Revolution
◆老三届: those who graduated from secondary schools in 1966, 1967 and 1968 in China (at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, which deprived them of opportunities for further education