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中华人民共和国货物进出口管理条例中英对照_Law online_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2009/11/25  阅读次数:17962  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Article 42 A holder of quotas who has not used up its quotas for the year shall return the unused quotas to the administrative departments of export quotas prior to October 31 of the current year.
  In case it fails to return the unused quotas and fails to use them up by the end of the current year, the administrative departments of export quotas may make corresponding deductions to the quotas of the holder for the next year..
Article 43 For the goods limited in exportation that are subject to the administration of licenses, the export business operators shall file applications to the foreign trade department of the State Council or relevant departments of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the administrative departments of export licenses).
  The administrative departments of export licenses shall decide whether to grant a license or not within 30 days after receiving the application.
  The import business operators shall present the export license issued by the administrative departments of export quotas to the customs office for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination.
  The term "export license" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall refer to the various kinds of certificates and documents that are of export nature as provided in laws and administrative regulations..
Article 44 The administrative departments of export quotas and the administrative departments of export licenses shall, on the basis of the provisions of the present Regulation, formulate specific measures of administration so as to clarify the qualifications of the applicant, the departments for accepting applications, the principles and procedures of inspections, etc. and shall promulgate the measures prior to their implementation.
  The department for accepting applications shall, as a general rule, be one department.
  The documents requested by the administrative departments of export quotas and the administrative departments of export licenses for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle, immaterial mistakes or errors.
  Chapter IV State-run Trade and Designated Administration
Article 45 The state may administer the import and export of some goods by way of state-run trade.
  The list of goods for import and export under the state-run trade administration shall be formulated, adjusted and promulgated by the foreign trade department of the State Council in collaboration with other relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council..
Article 46 The foreign trade department of the State Council and other relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council shall determine and publicize the list of state-run trade enterprises according to the functions and duties as determined by the State Council..
Article 47 For the goods that are subject to the state-run trade administration, the state may allow non-state-run trade enterprises to import and export some of the goods..
Article 48 The state-run trade enterprises shall provide to the foreign trade department of the State Council on the semi-annual basis such information as the prices for buying or selling the goods subject to the state-run trade administration, etc..
Article 49 The foreign trade department of the State Council may, upon the demand for maintaining the management order of import and export, exercise designated management over some of the goods during certain periods.
  The list of goods subject to designated management shall be formulated, adjusted and promulgated by the State Council..
Article 50 The specific standard and procedures for determining the enterprises to engage in designated management shall be promulgated by the foreign trade department of the State Council before implementation.
  The list of enterprises to engage in designated management shall be publicized by the foreign trade department of the State Council..
Article 51 Unless provided in Article 47 of the present Regulation, the enterprises or other organizations that have not been included in the list of state-run trade enterprises and enterprises to engage in designated management may not engage in the import or export of goods that are subject to state-run trade administration and designated management..
Article 52 The state-run trade enterprises and the enterprises to engage in designated management shall carry out their business activities under normal commercial conditions, and may not choose provider according to non-commercial considerations, nor may they reject the entrustment of other enterprises or organizations on the basis of non-commercial considerations.
  Chapter V Monitoring of Import and Export and Provisional Measures
Article 53 The foreign trade department of the State Council shall be responsible for the monitoring and appraisal of the import and export of goods, shall report regularly to the State Council about the import and export of goods, and give suggestions..
Article 54 In order to maintain the international balance of payments equilibrium including the occurrence of serious international unbalance of payments or the threat of serious unbalance of payments, or to maintain a level of foreign exchange reserves that is suitable for carrying out the plans of economic development, the state may take provisional restrictive measures with regard to the value or quantity of the goods to be imported..
Article 55 In order to establish or quicken up the establishment of a certain domestic industry, the state may, in case this target cannot be achieved through the incumbent measures, take provisional measures for restricting or prohibiting the import of goods..
Article 56 To take any of the following measures, the state may, when it is necessary, take provisional measures to restrict the import of any form of agricultural products or aquatic products:
  1. Taking restrictive measures over the domestic production or sale of the products that are of the same kind or that directly compete with each other;
  2. Clearing up, by way of subsidizing consumptions, the domestic superfluous products that are of the same kinds or that directly compete with each other;
  3. Limiting the yield of animal products whose production is completely or mainly dependent upon the import of the agricultural products or aquatic products..
Article 57 In any of the following circumstance, the foreign trade department of the State Council may take provisional measures to restrict or prohibit the export of certain goods:
1. It is necessary to restrict or prohibit the export due to the occurrence of abnormalities such as serious natural disasters;
  2. It is necessary to restrict the export of goods due to serious disorder of export management;
  3. It is necessary to restrict or prohibit the export of goods as pursuant to the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 of the Foreign Trade Law..
Article 58 In case provisional measures are to be taken for restricting or prohibiting the export of goods, the foreign trade department of the State Council shall make public announcements prior to the implementation of the measures.
  Chapter VI Promotion of Foreign Trade
Article 59 The state takes the measures like export credit insurance, export credit, export rebates, establishing funds for developing foreign trade, etc. to promote the development of foreign trade.
Article 60 The state takes effective measures to promote the technological innovation and technological development of the enterprises and to enhance the international competition capacity of the enterprises..
Article 61 The state helps the enterprises to exploit the international market by way of providing information consultation services..
Article 62 The business operators that import or export goods may establish or join chambers of commerce for import and export so as to achieve self-disciplinary and coordination..
Article 63 The state encourages the enterprises to actively respond to the discriminatory antidumping, anti-subsidy or safeguard measures of foreign countries so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of the enterprises in normal trade.
  Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
Article 64 Any one who imports or exports goods that are prohibited from import or export or imports or exports goods that are limited in importation or exportation without approval or permission shall be subject to investigation for assuming penal liabilities according to the provisions of the Criminal Law on smuggling;
if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..
Article 65 Any one who imports or exports goods that are limited in importation or exportation beyond the scopes approved or permitted shall be subject to investigation for assuming penal liabilities according to the provisions of the Criminal Law concerning the crime of smuggling or the crime of illegal management;
if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..
Article 66 Any one who counterfeits or alters or buys or sells certificates of import or export quotas, approval documents, licenses or automatic import licenses shall be subject to assume criminal liabilities according to the Criminal Law concerning the crime of illegal management or the crime of counterfeiting, altering, buying or selling official documents, certificates, seals of state organs;
if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..
Article 67 In case any business operator of import or export who obtains quotas for the import or export of goods, certification documents or automatic import licenses by deception or other unfair means, the quotas for the import or export of goods, certification documents or automatic import licenses shall be taken back, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..
Article 68 In case any one who violates the provisions of Article 51 of the present Regulation by engaging in the import or export of goods that are subject to state-run trade administration or designated management and thus disrupts the market order and if the circumstances are serious, it shall be subject to assume criminal liabilities according to the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crime of illegal management;
if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be given administrative punishments by the administrations for industry and commerce, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..
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