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发布时间:2010/11/2  阅读次数:23801  字体大小: 【】 【】【
委   托   合   同
Commission Contract
甲方:北京XXX机动车拍卖有限公司     乙方:北京XXX策划有限公司
地址:                                                                         地址:XXX
邮编:100005                                                             邮编:100016
法定代表人:             职务:                                   法定代表人:XXX     职务:顾问
Party A: Beijing XXX Investment Vehicles Auction Co., Ltd.
Post code: 100005                                                            
Legal representative:                         Position:
Party B: Beijing XXX Public Relations Planning Co., Ltd.
Address: XXX
Post code: 100016
Legal representative: XXX       Position: consultant
为了提高美瀚北京汽车拍卖在行业内的知名度, 并向经销商展示美瀚北京汽车拍卖的模拟现场, 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律及规定,甲、乙双方经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方策划、准备、执行“北京XXX机动车拍卖有限公司试营业典礼”的事宜,达成本《委托合同》(以下简称本合同),并共同遵照执行。
In order to raise the awareness of XXX Beijing Auto Auction in the industry, and to demonstrate the simulated field of the XXX Beijing Auto Auction to franchisers, Party A and Party B have, in accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and relative regulations and through friendly consultations, entered into the Commission Contract (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) concerning the matters related to the planning, preparation and implementation of the “Trial Opening Ceremony of Beijing XXX Investment Vehicles Auction Co., Ltd.”
第一章           项目名称与金额
Chapter I Project name and amount
第一条   项目名称:
Article 1 Project name:
1)               活动名称:北京XXX机动车拍卖有限公司试营业典礼
1) Name: Trial Opening Ceremony of Beijing XXX Investment Vehicles Auction Co., Ltd.
2)               活动地点:
2) Place:
3)               活动日期:自2008年 5 28 日起至2008年 5   29 日止(具体活动日期以甲方通知为准)
3) Date: May 28, 2008 to May 29, 2008 (with specific date subject to Party A’s notice)
第二条   本合同总金额为人民币251,896.53元(小写),人民币(大写) 贰拾伍万壹仟捌佰玖拾陆元伍角叁分整。
Article 2 The total contract amount is RMB 251,896.53 Yuan (in number), i.e. RMB two hundred and fifty one thousand and eight hundred and ninety six point five three Yuan in words.
第二章                   双方的权利和义务
Chapter II Rights and obligations
第三条   甲方的权利
Article 3 Party A’s rights
1)               知悉乙方服务真实情况的权利;
1) To know actual conditions of Party B’s service;
2)               要求乙方提供约定服务的权利;
2) To require Party B to provide contracted service;
3)               对乙方工作进行监督与确认的权利,可以派人定期验收活动准备情况,乙方必须给予协助和支持;
3) To supervise and confirm Party B’s work, and may assign persons to make regular acceptance of the preparation for the activity, and Party B shall provide assistance and supports;
4)   在乙方全面履行本合同约定的义务的前提下进行费用支付时,向乙方索取发票或收据的原件.
4) To demand originals of invoices or receipts from Party B when making the payments on the premise that Party B has fully performed the contracted obligations.
5)   甲方对本次活动的策划方案享有著作权,乙方不得再将该策划方案转作其他商业用途。
5) Party A shall possess the copyright of planning scheme of the activity, and Party B shall not use the scheme for other commercial purposes.
6)   因乙方的故意或过失导致甲方损失,而向乙方请求赔偿直接损失及其可预见的利益损失的权利。
6) To claim compensations of direct losses and foreseeable profit losses caused by Party B’s intention or negligence.
第四条 甲方的义务
Article 4 Party A’s obligations
1)               如实提供嘉宾名单、联系方式相关材料;
1) To provide genuine materials such as the list and contact modes of guests, etc.;
2)               协助乙方进行来宾的管理;
2) To assist Party B in managing guests;
3) 甲方应积极协助乙方,共同作好突发事件的处理工作,将损失控制到人力所及的最低程度。
3)To take initiative to assist Party B to jointly deal with emergencies successfully, so as to reduce losses as much as possible.
第五条 乙方的权利
Article 5 Party B’s rights
1)               享有核实甲方提供材料真实有效性的权利,如因甲方提供信息真实性的原因导致乙方中止履行协议,甲方应补充相关信息;
1) To check the authenticity and effectiveness of materials provided by Party A, and Party A shall make up relative information in case that Party B terminates performing the Contract due to the authenticity problem of the information provided by Party A;
2)               享有在本合同约定的阶段性工作及全部工作结束时经甲方书面认可后,向甲方收取约定费用的权利。
2) To collect contracted charges from Party A when contracted tasks in stages or all tasks are completed and getting written approval from Party A.
第六条 乙方的义务
Article 6 Party B’s obligations
1)               遵守本合同的约定,自觉履行本合同义务,维护甲方的合法权益,在本合同履行过程中,对甲方提出的合理意见或者要求,及时予以满足;
1) To observe prescriptions of the Contract, to fulfill the contracted obligations in a self-conscious manner, to safeguard Party A’s lawful rights and interests, and to meet reasonable suggestions or requirements put forth by Party A during performing the Contract;
2)               乙方应在提供本合同约定的各项服务前,向甲方提供书面实施方案或实物样品,经甲方书面确认后本着谨慎、周到的原则进行内容的执行,在乙方安排的内容中,乙方应依据相关的国家标准、行业标准进行严格的验收;
2) Party B shall, prior to providing contracted services, provide Party A with implementation scheme in writing or samples of physical goods, and shall, after getting Party A’s written confirmation, implement the contents in the principle of prudence and considerateness. Also, Party B shall conduct strict examination and approval upon the contents arranged by Party B in accordance with related national standards and industrial standards.
3)               乙方为甲方设计、制作或使用的图片、文字、草稿、草图、设计、复制品、商业性资料、胶片及复印件以及其他一切与甲方有关的资料,其所有权和著作权及相关权利全部归甲方所有。乙方不得擅自使用、复制、传播、扩散或许可他人使用,否则,甲方有权依法追究乙方相应的法律责任。
3) The ownerships, copyrights and all related rights of pictures, writings, drafts, sketches, designs, reproductions, commercial materials, photographic films, and duplicates developed and made by Party B for Party A, as well as all other materials related with Party A shall be owned by Party A, and Party B shall neither arbitrarily use, reproduce, disseminate and spread the said materials, nor allow others to use them; otherwise, Party A shall have the right to investigate relative legal responsibility of Party B in accordance with laws.
4)               乙方承担活动责任,保证活动的顺利进行,若在活动过程中发生突发事件,乙方应立即采取措施减少给甲方造成的损失,如乙方未采取行之有效的措施,乙方应承担甲方因此而受到的损失。
4) Party B shall be liable for the activity and guarantee smooth operation of the activity. In case emergencies occur in the course of the activity, Party B shall promptly take measures to reduce losses caused to Party A. Should Party B fail to take effective measures, Party B shall be liable for losses caused to Party A.
5) Party B shall ensure that all services provided are free of any potential safety hazard and can meet the needs of the activity. Otherwise, Party B shall be liable for all losses (including but not limited to compensations paid by Party A for damage to persons and properties of the third party, Party A’s casualties and property losses, etc.) caused to Party A.
6) Party A shall ensure that all services provided for Party A be lawful and not infringe upon the third party’s lawful rights and interests; otherwise, Party B shall assume all legal responsibilities and compensate all losses caused to Party A.
第七条 乙方的工作内容
Article 7 Party B’s work contents
1)               用餐安排:第一天下午下午茶餐;第二天中午自助午餐;
1) Dining plan: tea and dinner for the first day’s afternoon; buffet lunch for the second day;
2)               车辆安排: 无
2) Vehicle plan: none
3)               迎宾工作:安排足够的签到簿、笔、礼品、胸卡、会期相关资料、手提袋等,安排来宾签到、及照片的确认与发放事宜;
3) Guest welcoming: to arrange enough sign-in books, pens, gifts, breast cards, relative materials for the auction, and handbags, etc., as well as such matters as guests’ sign-in, confirmation and handout of photos;
4)               场地布置:按照约定事项在指定场所进行背景板、指示牌、音响等物品或事项的制作与安装/调整;
4) Place layout: to make and install/adjust background boards, indicating boards and sound system, etc. on designated locations in accordance with contracted items;
5)               其它服务:会务人员,会期的照相服务及相关影音资料的提供,礼仪人员等,并针对相关人进行必要的培训;
5) Other services: event personnel, picture-taking service and supply of relative AV materials during the activity, and ritual personnel, etc., and to hold trainings for relative personnel;
6)               摄影服务: 无
6) Photography services: none
7)               活动总结:活动的图片,活动总结整合后提交;
7) Activity sum-up: pictures and sum-up of the activity are arranged and submitted ;
第三章                   付款与结算
Chapter III Payment and settlement
Article 8
1)               甲方在本合同生效之日起3个工作日内向乙方支付本合同总金额的60%作为第一阶段工作款,即人民币151,137.92元整,大写:人民币 壹拾伍万壹仟壹佰叁拾柒元玖角贰分
1) Party A shall, within three working days as of the effective date of the Contract, pay 60% of the total contract amount to Party B as the payment for the first stage of works, amounting to RMB 151,137.92 Yuan, and RMB one hundred and fifty one thousand and one hundred and thirty seven point nine two Yuan in words;
2)               活动结束后,乙方向甲方提交活动总结报告,自甲方书面确认之日起5个工作日内,甲方向乙方支付40%的剩余款项, 即人民币100,758.61元整, 大写: 人民币壹拾万零柒佰伍拾捌元陆角壹元整.
2) When the activity is completed, Party B shall submit the sum-up report for Party A, and Party A shall, within five working days as of the date of Party A’s written confirmation, pay the 40% of the residuals to Party B, amounting to RMB 100,758.61 Yuan, and RMB one hundred thousand and seven hundred and fifty eight point six one Yuan in words;
3)               在活动中,   如果甲方需要临时增加项目, 乙方需得到甲方的书面确认后方可执行.
3) During the activity, if Party A needs to temporarily add programs, Party B shall implement the programs after getting written approvals from Party A.
第四章   知识产权保护与保密条款
Article IV Intellectual Property Protection and confidentially articles
第九条 除本合同约定工作需要之外,未经对方事先书面同意,任何一方不得擅自使用、复制、传播、扩散或许可他人使用对方的商标、标志、商业信息及其他资料。本项目中一方提供的资料及其所附的一切权益归该方所有;未经资料提供方书面同意,资料接受方不得将属于资料提供方的或由于项目实施的需要所获得的与资料提供方直接相关的经营、产品、客户资料和其他商业秘密向任何第三方转让、提供或披露,不得以任何形式公开发表,否则应当赔偿因此给资料提供方造成的损失。未经知识产权所有者同意,另一方不得非法使用。
Article 9 Except needed by the contracted work, either party shall neither, without written approvals from the other party in advance, arbitrarily use, reproduce, disseminate and spread, nor allow others to use the other party’s trademark, logo, commercial information and other materials. All interests and rights of materials and their attachments provided by one party in the project shall be owned by such party; and the materials receiving party shall neither, without written approvals from the materials providing party, transfer or disclose all operations, products and client information and other commercial secrets directly related to the materials providing party acquired due to the needs for implementing the project to any the third party, nor publish them in any form; otherwise, the party in question shall compensate all losses caused to the materials providing party. Also, the other party shall not use them illegally without approvals from the intellectual property owner.
第五章   权利义务转让
Article V Transfer of rights and obligations
第十条   未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方无权将本合同的全部或部分权利和义务转让或委托给第三方。
Article 10 Either party shall not, without written approval from the other party in advance, have the right to transfer or entrust all or partial rights and obligations of the Contract to the third party.
第六章   违约责任与损害赔偿
Article VI Breach liability and loss compensation
第十一条 违约责任
Article 11 Breach liability
1)               本合同自签订之日起生效,任何一方如有违反,即构成违约,应该对其承担相应责任。
1) The Contract shall come into effect as of the signing date, and either party’s violation shall constitute the breach of the Contract, and shall assume relative liabilities.
2)               乙方未遵照甲方要求完成活动准备工作,属违约行为,应向甲方支付违约金,支付标准为每逾期一天支付逾期项目对应金额的1%, 但最高不超过总额的5%。
2) That Party B fails to complete the preparation for the activity in accordance with Party A’s requirements shall be deemed as the breach, and Party B shall pay the penalty to Party A in such standard as 1% of the amount of the project overdue for one day, with the upper limit of 5%.
3)               因乙方原因未遵照本合同约定的内容执行活动,属违约行为,应向甲方支付违约金。支付标准为:每违约一项扣除该项目对应的金额以及相应的税金及代理费用。
3) That Party B fails to implement the activity in accordance with the prescriptions of the Contract shall be deemed as the breach, and Party B shall pay the penalty to Party A in such standard as deduction of corresponding amount, tax and agency expense for each project in breach.
4)               乙方如未按约定保证甲方对活动方案的著作权,应向甲方支付合同总金额­2%的违约金,并承担因此给甲方造成的全部损失。
4) In case that Party B fails to guarantee Party A’s copyright of the activity scheme in accordance with the prescriptions, Party B shall pay the penalty amounting to 2% of the total contract amount to Party A, and shall be liable for all losses caused to Party A.
5)               乙方如未遵守本合同知识产权和商业秘密条款而擅自使用,应向甲方支付合同总金额­2%的违约金,并将由此产生的收益返还给甲方,因此给甲方带来的任何损失,由乙方赔偿。
6) In case that Party B arbitrarily use the intellectual property rights and commercial secrets against the Contract, Party B shall pay the penalty amounting to 2% of the total contract amount to Party A, refund the incomes therefrom to Party A, and be liable for all losses caused to Party A.
6)               甲方无正当理由,未按照约定向乙方支付费用,属违约行为,甲方应向乙方支付违约金,支付标准为:每逾期一日支付未付款总金额的1%,但最高限额不应超过未付款总额的5﹪。
6) That Party A fails to make payment for Party B in accordance with prescriptions without just cause shall be deemed as breach, and Party A shall pay the penalty to Party B in such standard as 1% of total amount of non-payments for one day overdue, with the upper limit of 5% of the total amount of non-payments.
第十二条 损害赔偿
Article 12 Loss compensation
Where either party causes loss to the other party due to negligence, the guilty party shall compensate losses of the compliance party, as well as reasonable expenses (including but not limited to attorney fee and legal fare) spent by the other party for protecting its lawful rights and interests.
Party B shall compensate actual losses due to damage to profits and interests and rights of Party A or invited objects caused by Party B’s intention or negligence.
第七章   合同的变更与终止
Chapter VII Change and termination of Contract
Article 13
1)               本合同生效后,双方可以协商修改合同,提出修改方应提前向对方提出修改要求,待双方达成一致意见后,可以通过双方法定代表人或授权委托人共同签订的补充或变更合同对本合同相应内容进行修改,并按照修改后的合同进行实施;
1) After the effectiveness of the Contract, both parties may change the Contract through consultations, and the proposing party shall put forward the change requirement to the opposite party in advance. After both parties coming into agreements, changes of relative contents may be made to the Contract in accordance with the supplementation to or change of the Contract jointly concluded by legal representatives or authorized consignees of both parties, and both parties shall perform the amended Contract;
2)               本合同生效后,如甲方因市场情况变化需终止合同,应提前5日向乙方发出书面终止的通知,甲方应支付截至本合同终止日乙方已经履行本合同并经甲方书面认可的发生的合同款项,若甲方已经支付的款项多于乙方已经履行部分的款项,乙方应将多余款项返还于甲方,甲乙双方债权债务关系终止并签订终止协议后,本合同终止。
2) After the effectiveness of the Contract, if Party A needs to terminate the Contract due to market conditions, Party A shall, five days in advance, send written notice on termination to Party B, and shall pay contracted amounts having been performed by Party B till the contract termination day and approved by Party A with written approval to Party B. In case that the amounts paid by Party A exceed the contracted amounts performed by Party B, Party B shall refund the surplus to Party A. Thereafter, the debitio between both parties is terminated with the termination agreement signed, and then the Contract is terminated.  
3)               本合同生效后,乙方除不可抗力因素不能继续代理合同外,不得擅自终止本合同,否则将向甲方支付合同总金额20%的违约金,并赔偿甲方因此遭受的实际损失且退还甲方合同款。
3) After the effectiveness of the Contract, Party B shall not, except caused by the force majeure, arbitrarily terminate the Contract, or else shall pay the penalty amounting 20% of the total contract amount to Party A, as well as compensate actual losses caused to Party A and refund the contract payment of Party A.
第八章   不可抗力
Chapter VIII Force majeure
第十四条   因地震、火灾、水灾、动乱、罢工、台风、泥石流、塌方、政府干预等人力无法抗拒、无法避免的事件发生,均构成不可抗力。不可抗力事件发生,甲、乙双方均不承担违约责任,发生不可抗力事件的一方应立即通知对方,并在合理期限内出具相关证明。但遭受不可抗力影响的一方有责任尽可能及时采取适当或必要措施减少或消除不可抗力的影响。遭受不可抗力影响的一方对因未尽本项责任而造成对方的相关损失承担责任。
Article 14 Occurrences of such cases such as earthquake, fire, flood, riot, strike, typhoon, debris flow, landslide and government intervention, etc. that can not be resisted and avoided by human force shall be deemed as the force majeure. Neither party shall be liable for the breach of Contract due to occurrence of force majeure, but the party who confronts the force majeure shall promptly notify the other party, and produce relative certifications in reasonable time limit. However, the party who confronts the force majeure shall shoulder the responsibility to take proper or necessary measures as soon as possible to reduce or remove the impacts by the force majeure, or else shall be liable for relative losses caused by the other party.
第九章   争议解决
Chapter IX Dispute settlement
第十五条   本合同的任何争议纠纷,双方友好协商解决,若协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 15 Any dispute arising from the Contract shall be settled by both parties through friendly consultations, and either party may file a lawsuit to the people’s court of Party A’s legal address.
第十章   附则
Chapter X Supplementary articles
Article 17
1) 活动进行过程中,如出现本合同未尽事宜或者需要修改的事项,由双方协商签订补充协议;如不能达成一致意见但合同法有规定的,按《合同法》执行。
1) During the activity, matters not covered by the Contract or matters need to be changed shall be settled by both parties through concluding agreement. The disagreement between both parties shall be subject to the prescriptions by the Contract Law.
2) 本合同的附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分,与本合同具有同等的法律效力。
2) The annex shall be an integral party of the Contract, and shall have the same force as the Contract.
3) 本合同自双方法定代表人或授权委托人签字并加盖公章或合同专用章之日起生效。
3) The Contract shall come into effect as of the date when legal representatives or authorized consignees of both parties affix their signatures and official seals or special contract seals.
4) 本合同一式四份,甲方执三份,乙方执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。
4) The Contract shall be in quadruplicate, with Party A holding three and Party B one, and each copy shall have the same legal force.
附件: 附件1: 报价
Annexes: Annex 1: Quotation
           附件2: 礼品制作清单
               Annex 2: List of gifts making
甲方:北京XXX机动车拍卖有限公司                 乙方:北京XXX策划有限公司
法定代表人                                                                             法定代表人  
或授权委托人:                                                                     或授权委托人:
签字日期:                                                                             签字日期:
Party A: Beijing XXX Investment Vehicles Auction Co., Ltd.
Legal representative or authorized consignee:
Signing date
Party B: Beijing XXX Public Relations Planning Co., Ltd.
Legal representative or authorized consignee:
Signing date
  • 匿名发表
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