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西安医学翻译:光氧动力疗法介绍_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/12/21  阅读次数:5228  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine—PDT Introduction
Background of Therapeutics
Therapeutic Method of cancer has, for realizing human-oriented therapy, been tested by numerous patients, making the originally single therapeutic mode, such as operation, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy, evolve into the current comprehensive therapy. Similarly, the PDT has also been tested by patients, and will gradually stand out in the history of tumor therapy. By cooperating with the research team of world famous experts in tumor, physics, biomedicine and CTM, etc. from China, France, Russia, Australia and Ireland, etc., the PDT has, after 10 years’ efforts, made new breakthroughs in the world’s tumor therapy field—duplex innovations namely patented international advanced equipment and CTM targeting drug. Presently, such therapeutics is firstly applied to clinical treatment in Canada in normal therapy of bladder cancer in 1993, and successively in a dozen of countries, such as US, UK, Germany, Holand and Japan, etc., and is respectively ratified in therapies of stomach cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer and liver cancer. Professor Ha Xianwen is the first in China to make the research on the related therapeutics, and is therefore awarded with Grade-A Prize for Progress in Science and Technology by the Ministry of Health. However, the only therapeutic method at present which can truly realize operation-free, non-invasive, safe without impacts on life quality, and life-extending treatment is the PDT.
Principle of Therapy

         患者接受光氧动力疗法,首先服用中药靶向定位剂,随后 20—48小时内用光波照射,结合靶向定位剂的癌细胞接受特殊光波光照后被激活,癌变细胞内产生活跃的高能单键氧。
Patients in receiving the PDT firstly take the CTM targeting location reagent, and then receive laser illumination in 20 to 48 hours. In this way, cancer cells combined with targeting localization activated after receiving the illumination of special light wave, so that high-energy singlet oxygen can be produced inside malignant transformed cells.
With very active chemical property, the singlet oxygen is very instable, and can easily run into oxidizing action with surrounding biomacromolecules (such as destroying important cell components of amino acid, unsaturated fatty acid and DNA, etc.), generating a series of photochemical reaction products and causing progressive chemical reactions, and thereby destroying large amounts of biomolecules, which cause inside-out damage to and kill tumor cells.  
Meanwhile, it can make tumor vascular degrade and mortify, and further block nutrient source of tissues, causing cell apoptosis.
In the course of necrocytosis, there will appear the dissolution and cell debris of dead cells, with a series of biochemical reactions and producing tumor homogenate, a strong anti-tumor immunity vaccine, which has the tumor specific antigen (TSA), and can induce the Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) reaction, as well as restrain relapse and transfer of tumors. Meanwhile, damaged residual tumor cells can stimulate the formation of IL-1-dependent neutrophilic granulocyte in medulla, and activate macrophages and lymphocytes, so as to produce tumor specific immunity function, and to participate in killing the tumor focus in spread and transfer.
Choice Makes Hope
The WHO pointed out in its annual report that an effective therapeutic method has, till now, yet not found in traditional therapeutics of tumors.
At the annual meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2006, the largest academic meeting on cancer in the world, once expressly pointed out that the traditional radiochemotherapy is not so successful, since the survival time of patients after the traditional radiochemotherapy does not extend correspondingly, not to mention the improvement of life quality.
The Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine PDT is the world’s up-to-date therapeutic method of tumor, which is a brand new therapeutic method without wound and pain but safety beyond traditional therapeutic methods such as operation, and radiochemotherapy, etc.
Professor Ha Xianwen, pioneer of China’s PDT, once visited our institute and said, “you have fulfilled the innovation rarely approached by traditional PDT technology, and I deeply believe that the Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine PDT will surely bring non-invasive and life-extending benefit to cancer patients that can not receive operation and radiochemotherapy.” It can make most   incipient and median tumors get clinical curing rate, relieve pains of late cancer patients, improve quality of life, and extend life, and thereby serving as a brand new path for tumor patients.
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