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发布时间:2010/12/13  阅读次数:8858  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Adopt holistic approach for weight loss
Forget dieting or gruelling workout regimes –adopting a holistic approach to losing weight would be enough to feed your body the nourishment it craves for, says medical director of Greenwich Hospital.
Henri Roca, medical director of Greenwich Hospital's Centre for Integrative Medicine, has suggested a holistic weight loss program that would help each person develop healthy habits for lifetime fitness.
Henri Roca,格林威治医院中西医结合中心的医学主任,建议人们采取综合减肥方案,以帮助每一个人养成健康的生活习惯,实现终生健康。
"By understanding the whole person, including emotional reasons for eating, stress triggers, medical history and physiological factors, we help each individual approach food in a whole new way," said Roca.
“通过了解就医者的全部情况,包括饮食情绪、所承受的压力、病史以及生理状况,我们以一种全新的方式帮助他们制定饮食计划”, Roca这样说。
"We look at the emotional aspects of eating and the habits an individual creates surrounding their relationship with food."
She says that genetics, metabolism, hormones and physiological factors act as potential stumbling blocks to successful long-term weight management.
"Stress alone can have more of an impact than most people realize. Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol levels, which stimulate glucose production in the body," said Roca.
“仅仅是压力这一个因素,其影响就已经超过了大多数人的认识。慢性压力可以导致皮质醇水平上升,从而刺激人体内葡萄糖的产生”,Roca 说。
"Excess glucose is converted to and stored as fat, particularly around a person's mid-section. A chemical chain reaction can occur inside the body and sabotage the best weight loss efforts," Roca added.
Roca 补充说:“多余的葡萄糖将转化成脂肪,并存储在身体内,尤其是会存储在人体的中间部位。接下来,将会在身体内发生化学链式反应,使所有的减肥努力付之东流”。
Cutting back on calories and adding or increasing exercise are proven to assist with weight loss, but they do not provide enough motivation for people who have been repeatedly unsuccessful at reaching their weight-loss goals.
The Canter of Integrative Medicine's unique holistic approach begins with a medical evaluation, assessing a person's overall health (physical, mental, emotional and energetic) and determining what, if any, metabolic, hormonal, gut, allergy or immune dysfunction may exist, since this can have a profound effect on weight loss. Auricular (ear) acupuncture is provided at each session to control cravings.
该中西医结合中心的综合减肥方案独具特色。首先要进行医疗评估,评估就医者整体的健康状况 (其中包括生理、心理、情绪以及能力方面的状况)。然后确定新陈代谢、荷尔蒙分泌、肠胃功能、免疫功能是否存在异常,以及是否对某些食物过敏,因为这些因素对于减肥都有着重要的影响。在每个疗程期间,该中心都会提供耳穴(耳)针灸,以抑制食欲。
A nutritionist listens to a person's personal goals, evaluates body type, and then customizes a program that includes nutritional counseling, meal planning, exercise advice and stress management techniques.
General acupuncture, health coaching and advice on dietary supplements are offered.
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