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发布时间:2011/7/18  阅读次数:16848  字体大小: 【】 【】【
What's for breakfast?
The first meal of the day is the most important one - you break your night-long fast with this meal. Research reveals and nutritionists also agree that breakfast is the key to a healthy lifestyle and it determines the quality of your whole day's nutrition. A new study has revealed that the healthiest breakfast choice is cereal with milk - it is the best way to start the morning and you are less likely to turn to fatty, sugary food through the rest of the day.
The study that was conducted by nutritionist Sigrid Gibson, and published in the BNF Nutrition Bulletin, revealed that cereal is a good source of calcium and numerous other key nutrients , such as fibre, protein and carbohydrate. "People who eat breakfast cereal generally eat less fat, saturated fat and sugar, than those who do not, and have better intakes of protein and important micro-nutrients, such as iron, vitamins and calcium," the Daily Express quoted Newcastle University's nutrition professor Chris Seal, a member of The Breakfast Panel, which commissioned the study, as saying.
Dr Nupur Krishnan, clinical nutritionist says, "Ideally, you should have carbohydrates, a little protein and negligible fat for breakfast, if you want to feel energetic all day. Summer is here, so, succulent and juicy, citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are good. You will need a lot of fluids to keep yourself hydrated so fruits like watermelon, musk melon work well in the morning. Having an oily fatty breakfast will make you feel lethargic, so make sure that you avoid it."
An ideal mix of carbohydrates, fibres and proteins makes for a perfect breakfast. Nutritionist Deepshikha Agarwal says, "Whole wheat flakes (carbohydrates) fresh fruits (fibre content) and milk (protein) can be a good combination."
For proteins one can also have egg whites or chicken if you are a non-vegetarian and if you are a vegetarian you can opt for sprouts.
Sprouts can be mixed - you can have moong, matki and chana.
Deepshikha cautions, "One should never have raw sprouts. They should be consumed only after steaming. When we steam or cook sprouts the toxins are removed. Steaming also breaks the cell wall of the grain so absorption becomes easier."
Nutritionist say that the first meal of the day provides 25 per cent of calories for the whole day. And even if you are in a hurry you should never skip breakfast. Just grab a simple bowl of cereal with a mix of fruits and milk to kick-start your perfect day!
Your breakfast should include:
An ideal breakfast should be the perfect combination of carbohydrates, protein and fibre.
One whole grain item like - wheat flakes or two slices whole grain (wheat) bread.
Fruits provide the fibre - a bowl of mixed fruits is a must-have. You should have high fibre fruits like an apple, or a fruit packed with antioxidant like papaya.
One bowl of steamed sprouts with veggies like cucumber, tomatoes or two egg whites or a glass of milk
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