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教你整理房间的七个高招_Life & style_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/3/26  阅读次数:12597  字体大小: 【】 【】【
教你整理房间的七个高招7 steps to a clutter-free home
Does your home look cramped and pokey? Does it seem like there's never any space to store anything? If only you could afford to move into a bigger place, right? Well, if that's not happening any time soon, it's time you gave your nest a little makeover.
We put together a couple of interesting ideas with the help of interior designers that will help you move things around and store things right and have your place clutter-free in no time!
Let there be light 光线第一
The first step to a clutter-free home is to bring in light. If your home is dark and dingy, it looks cluttered by default. So wash your walls in shades like ivory, eggshell, cream or your favourite pastel shade and trade the dark-wood furniture for lighter-coloured woods like pine or white cedar.
Free up the floor 腾出地板
The more floor space you have, the larger your room will look. Lots of dhurries/ carpets break up the floor space into smaller parts, adding to the cluttered feel. If you really must have carpets, opt for wall-to-wall carpeting. Also, get rid of floor lamps and try wall fixtures instead.
This way or that 灵活多变
When you are trying to create more space, it's best to opt for multi-purpose furniture. Beds and stools with built-in storage, sofa cum beds etc are great for small spaces. Also, make use of portable furniture like foldaway chairs, cloth shoe racks etc that can be easily put away when not in use.
Colour coded 颜色搭配
Opt for solid-coloured furnishings as opposed to those with busy prints that make the living space look crowded. To add character, use a few cushions and bolsters in contrasting colours. Ditch the thick drapes and go for lighter cotton curtains in bright colours.
The personal touch 个人情调
It's great to accessorise with lovely paintings, photo frames, vases and curios. But you don't want your home to look like Hurricane Katrina just hit it, now do you? Overcrowded, walls, bulky showcases and heavily loaded shelves are a bad idea. Use just one or two highlights to give your home that personal touch.
Hide the clutter “家丑不可外扬
If you are a collector, you are definitely going to have tons of stuff you just don't want to part with. Well, we won't force you to. But what you really need to do is keep it under wraps. Avoid open bookcases and CD racks. Books and CDs, enough to fill a library, are better stored inconspicuously.
Box it up! 打包处理!
If your space still looks cluttered, it's time to take a good look at your home (with a box in your hand). Wondering why? Well, after you have surveyed your closets, cabinets, shelves, under-furniture-hideouts etc, you'll have identified things you can donate to charity. Dump them into the box so you don't have the chance to think about keeping them.
Go ahead try these tips and give your home that spacious feel you always wanted.
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