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奥巴马正式提名骆家辉出任美驻华大使_新闻资讯 News_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2011/3/10  阅读次数:3392  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Obama formally nominated Gary Locke as US Ambassador to China
U.S. President Barack Obama formally nominated Commerce Secretary Gary Locke to be next US ambassador to China to succeed Jon Huntsman who will leave this April.
In announcing the nomination in the White House on Wednesday, Obama said that the Sino-US relation is one of the most decisive ones in the 21st century. In the past two years, the administration led by him has been committed to building Sino-US relation, which was to the benefit of national interests of the US, no matter the issue of global security, or expanding opportunities for the US companies and workers. The continued cooperation between the US and China will be conducive to both the US and China, and the whole world at large.
Obama said that as a descendant of China immigrants, Locke was the right person for continually promoting Sino-US cooperation. He believed that Locke would bring his techniques and experience showcased in serving as the Commerce Secretary to his new post.
Locke expressed his gratitude for the President’s nomination, saying he was excited about taking this new challenge, and was looking forward to take office.
Locke was born in Seattle on Jan. 21, 1950, with the ancestral home at Taishan of Guangdong Province. He served as the governor of Washington State from 1997 to 2005, and the Commerce Secretary from May 2009. If the nomination is approved by the Senate, Locke will be the first Chinese ambassador of the US to China. (Translated by Xi’an Skywindwind Translation and Consulting Co., Ltd.)
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