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发布时间:2012/6/6  阅读次数:20468  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Wu Bin, Chinese Bus Driver, Praised For Saving Passengers In Freak Accident
郝芬顿邮报(The Huffington Post)
In this combo of four images made off surveillance video filmed Tuesday, May 29, 2012 and released by China's Xinhua News Agency Saturday, June 2, 2012, Wu Bin drives a bus on the Yangshan section of the Wuxi-Yixing highway, China, left top, before being struck by a chunk of iron that smashed through his windscreen, right top, nevertheless he keeps on driving, left bottom, and collapsed after stopping the bus. Wu died Friday, June 1, 2012 of his injuries from the accident, but not before braking
BEIJING -- Chinese are hailing a bus driver who maintained control of his vehicle and ensured passengers' safety despite being struck by a chunk of iron that smashed through his windscreen.
Wu Bin ultimately died of his injuries from Tuesday's freak accident, but not before braking, shifting gears and telling passengers not to wander onto the highway. His hometown of Hangzhou in eastern China has praised him as a hero and a role model.
Dramatic security camera footage broadcast Sunday on state television showed the object hitting Wu and his calm handling of the situation, despite being in obvious pain. Wu died Friday.
China has a history of praising acts of selflessness and courage to inspire responsibility in an increasingly competitive and sometimes callous society.

Bus driver struck by metal debris saves passengers before dying
A bus driver in China killed by metal debris that ripped through the vehicle’s windshield was hailed for safely stopping the passenger coach in a final act of heroism.
Driver Wu Bin “at the last moment ... became a hero,” older sister Wu Bing said in Monday’s China Daily newspaper.
Dramatic security footage from inside the bus was shown Sunday on Chinese state television:
The vehicle was travelling on a highway May 29, going at a reported 58 miles per hour, when an object unexpectedly slammed through the glass. Wu, 48, was hit in the arms and stomach.
He is seen braking, shifting gears and pulling the bus over after putting on the emergency lights. Barely able to stand, he then warns the 24 passengers on board not to wander onto the highway, according to China Central Television.
Huang Zongzhi/AP View from the driver’s seat showing the piece of metal that flew up from the road, and struck the bus driver.
Wu was taken to a hospital, suffering from a liver rupture and broken ribs, the China Daily reported. He died of his injuries Friday.
The city of Hangzhou, Wu’s hometown, recognized him as a hero.
The cause of the accident was still under investigation, although one news report suggested the debris may have come off of a truck travelling on the other side of the highway.
Wu’s wife, Wang Lizhen, said her husband uttered his final words to her after the mishap.
“I know he did not want to leave me when he was injured in (the) hospital,” she told the China Daily. “When he was unconscious, I touched his forehead and held his hand and he would react slightly.”
“He seemed to want to talk to me,” she added.
One of the passengers who paid his respects at Wu’s home told the China Daily that events could have been even more tragic if the driver miscalculated his response.
“I have been driving a car for more than 10 years and I know how difficult it is to stop a vehicle safely in great pain,” said passenger Liu Shibing. “We admire (Wu) and are very grateful.”
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