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西安翻译报道:中国载人深潜成功,南海海底插上红旗_新闻资讯 News_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/8/27  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Special report: China succeeded in manned deep submergence with a red flag erected at seabed of South China Sea
“可上九天揽月”,“可下五洋捉鳖”,一代伟人毛泽东为中华民族描绘的这两大瑰丽梦想,今天实现了。科学技术部与国家海洋局联合在京宣布:我国第一台自行设计、自主集成研制的“蛟龙号”载人潜水器3000米级海试取得成功。“蛟龙号”最大下潜深度达到3759米,超过全球海洋平均深度3682米,并创造出水下和海底作业9小时零 3分的纪录。
“Capable of reaching the moon and catching turtles deep in the ocean”, the two great dreams envisioned by the Great Chair Mao for Chinese nation, have come true today. The Ministry of Science and Technology and State Oceanic Administration jointly announced that the 3,000m sea trial of “Jiaolong” manned submersible (in Chinese legend, Jiaolong is a deep water dragon capable of controlling rain and flood), the first of its kind which is independently designed and developed by China. The maximal submerged depth of “Jiaolong” hit a record of 3,759m, which exceeds 3,682m, the average depth of global oceans. Moreover, it also made a record of 9 hours and 3 minutes of underwater and seabed operations.

The blue ocean territory is our resources, as well as our new economic domain and production and life space. The development of ocean resources can not be achieved without high-end technical measures. The premiere of “Jiaolong” has undoubtedly accelerated the realization of the blue dream of Chinese nation.
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